Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1141 Book a flight ticket immediately

Fu Yu is really attentive to this guide on cooking fire control skills.

And it can be seen that Fu Yu is very accomplished in literature. He can use the simplest and most concise words and sentences to make a large number of discussions and summarize the content of the explanation.

No more complicated descriptions and expressions of opinions.

Every sentence is the essence extracted.

Is this the attitude a chef who loves cooking should have?

If you want to master cooking, there are two things you must master.

One is basic cooking skills, allowing all basic operations to form thinking and muscle memory, and to continuously consolidate and improve them in daily work.

Another item is to summarize and analyze the application effect of basic cooking skills in the entire process through observation during cooking operations.

Of these two, one is related to whether one’s cooking skills are solid, and the other is related to the flexible use and flexibility of cooking skills.

After reading the entire summary guide and referring to a large number of original records, Liu Yongping, who has stopped staying up late since he passed forty, looked up at the sky that was starting to get brighter outside the window. Instead of feeling tired, on the contrary, he The spirit at this time was very high.

The skill of controlling cooking heat is a well-known difficulty in the food circle.

Basic cooking operations are easy to master, but it is very difficult to achieve a precise level.

Now, with this guide, it is a very beneficial thing for both newcomers to the industry and senior chefs who still need to improve their basic skills.

You can avoid many detours and gain a lot of experience and detailed operation methods in advance.

In the early days of learning to cook, Liu Yongping was stuck on improving his basic skills for a long time, and the most difficult skill of fire control took him many years to hone.

Even now, he dare not say that he can perfectly master the fire control skills.

The appearance of Fu Yu's cooking guide made Liu Yongping's passion for progress begin to boil again, which had been dormant for many years.

Liu Yongping dug out the notepad he used to record all the difficulties encountered and solutions during the operation in order to improve his cooking skills.

He turned to the last page of the book, picked up the pen again after many years, and seriously began to record some of the thoughts and opinions he had after observing the guide, one after another, like a fountain of thoughts.

That night, Liu Yongping was completely sleepless!

Not only him, but He Jie and Lu Zhanlong went to the official website to help reply with the proof, and then they immersed themselves in the guide materials and didn't sleep all night.

It's so exciting.

This compiled guide may be just a shortcut to improve cooking skills for ordinary people, but for them, it means more.

At the same time, Li Dongxu, who was trying to quit smoking in order to protect his lungs that had been soaked in oil smoke for many years, was so excited that he couldn't help but smoke a cigarette.

Li Dongxu is a cooking fanatic, and everyone who knows him knows this.

He has always liked people who take cooking seriously and appreciates people with a positive and progressive work attitude.

Li Dongxu likes Fu Yu very much. He thinks this kid is talented, hardworking, and responsible for people and things. Most importantly, he also loves cooking.

Not just to make money, but to study, just like myself, a little obsessed.

Li Dongxu originally looked at Fu Yu as a senior in the industry, admiring and liking him, but now he looked at the guide in his hand, and a kind of admiration arose in his heart, like looking up at a mountain, but there was more. Still respect for Yu.

People who take cooking seriously deserve to be respected!

Li Dongxu held these thin pages of paper and looked at the thick original data record.

Fu Yu works the same hours as him every day, and usually even has a larger workload than him. After a tiring day, he still has to sort out the information and summarize it after returning home.

How much hard work does he have to put in every day?

With so much information, even if I work around the clock, it will take a long time to accumulate such a volume.

However, Fu Yu completed it!

The official website of the National Gastronomy Association is not only visited by colleagues in the local gastronomy circle in the capital. This website is national in scope and has a very wide audience.

This time, the incident of Fuchengchun Restaurant launching a new product, Sheep and Scorpion Hotpot, became more and more popular as the posts became more popular. Even Du Mingfeng, who runs a chain restaurant in the United States, also saw it!

After reading the posts and videos sent to him by his friends, Du Mingfeng was surprised and happy for a moment!

Sheep and scorpion pot was a project he had inspected when he returned to China earlier. However, the cooking of this dish required too high a level of cooking skills from the chef, and it also required the development of marinades. It was difficult to learn the authentic recipe.

He also tried to prepare it a few times, but because he had never been involved in this dish before, he started it all at once and was really a little clueless.

Especially after operating a restaurant abroad for a long time, the taste of the dishes slowly begins to cater to the local tastes, and the requirements for heat control and seasoning ratios unconsciously begin to decrease.

Because of this, Du Mingfeng himself cannot make the authentic lamb and scorpion pot. If he wants to launch new products, he needs to join the domestic franchise.

He usually runs a chain of restaurants abroad. His business is so good and he is so busy that he doesn't have time to invest in opening a store.

The matter has been stagnant.

Unexpectedly, Fuchengchun actually found the cooking method.

Du Mingfeng knew Liu Yongping. Although the relationship was not particularly close, Liu Yongping would always be there whenever he had the opportunity to go back to the country and go to the capital to have dinner with friends.

Du Mingfeng looked at the time. It should be early morning in China now. He thought for a while and sent a message to Liu Yongping.

In this way, when Liu Yongping gets up the next day, he should be able to reply after seeing the message.

Unexpectedly, I received a reply as soon as I sent the message.

Liu Yongping got up so early?

Du Mingfeng called directly.

"Boss Liu, do you usually get up so early? I was afraid of disturbing you, so I sent you a message specifically."

When Liu Yongping spoke, his voice was hoarse, but his tone was very calm: "No, I haven't slept all night!"

Du Mingfeng was stunned and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Liu Yongping was filled with joy and excitement when he suddenly received a call from Du Mingfeng. He couldn't help but show off: "It's no big deal. It's just that an outstanding junior in the circle sent me a piece of information, summarizing it." It’s so good that I couldn’t stop it as soon as I saw it, and I’m still studying it to this day.”

Du Mingfeng heard Liu Yongping mention the outstanding juniors in the circle, so he brought up his own affairs: "A friend of mine sent me a post on the official website of the National Food Association, saying that your store, which is making a lot of noise online, has also begun to accept external training. Staff?"

This kind of practice is rare in the country.

Unlike other industries, the food industry has always closed its doors and studied its own recipes.

All signature secret dishes are always passed down from home to family.

Fuchengchun Restaurant welcomed a chef from another hotel to the restaurant this year for further training. In fact, not many people know about this fact.

But after the fermentation of this post incident, it began to spread slowly.

It is said that Fuchengchun took the initiative to invite a very outstanding young junior to the store for further study this time. This is to officially promote the cooking concept of his store to the outside world. To change the traditional inheritance habits of the food circle and take the route of innovation and reform, we must do The first person to inherit generously in the food circle.

Du Mingfeng's career was developed abroad and he had no business contacts with the country at all. Liu Yongping was very relaxed when interacting with him.

Liu Yongping told the truth about his invitation to Fu Yu to study in the store.

When Du Mingfeng suddenly heard the name, he thought it was very familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"I saw on the post that your store has launched a lamb and scorpion pot, and it's cooked by this chef Fu Yu? What's going on? Doesn't your store specialize in making river fish?"

When Du Mingfeng checked this matter online, the big guys in the industry hadn't started to reply to help prove it, so he didn't know what would happen next.

When it comes to this matter, Liu Yongping rarely feels like complaining.

In China, he had to maintain a posture with everyone, and there were some things he couldn't say.

However, Du Mingfeng is in a special situation. He has completely moved abroad and has less and less contact with the country. He no longer participates in many things. The most important thing is that Du Mingfeng is a very measured person.

Many things ended when they came to him.

It makes people feel very confident to interact with him.

Liu Yongping told the whole story, and in the end couldn't help but sigh: "Thanks to Xiao Fu, otherwise it would be really difficult to accept this matter, and no one in our store would make this lamb and scorpion pot."

For people in the food circle, being able to do something and knowing how to do it are two different things.

After Du Mingfeng heard what Liu Yongping said, most of his eagerness to give it a try was immediately given up.

It turns out that the lamb and scorpion pot is not a new dish introduced by Fuchengchun Restaurant itself, but Fu Yu, who came here to study, helped to cook it. This dish was cooked by Fu Yu, and only Fu Yu can cook it.

This matter will be difficult to handle.

Du Mingfeng was unwilling to ask again tentatively: "Since this sheep and scorpion pot is so good, why doesn't your store plan to keep it?"

Liu Yongping said casually: "Our store specializes in making fish dishes. It was Deputy Director Guan who came to the door. He had no choice but to help take the order. And this dish was made by Fu Yu, how could I say this? That’s not what I do when someone asks for a recipe, so it would be nice to invite them over this time.”

Hearing this, Du Mingfeng said amusedly: "Why do you sound like you're begging Fu Yu to come to the store for further training?"

The food industry is different from other industries. Those who can learn are often from the same catering company.

Each branch sends outstanding personnel to the main store or flagship store to work and study to improve their abilities. After that, they have to return to the original store, and then it is time to be promoted.

Fu Yu is not from Fuchengchun Hotel.

An outsider was specially invited back to his family’s kitchen to study?

Picture what?

Du Mingfeng couldn't understand or understand.

Liu Yongping was very honest. He looked at the information in his hand that he had been studying for most of the night, and said with a smile: "You are really right. I invited the person back. I said he was here for further training, but actually I wanted him to be with the people in the store. Several chefs exchange cooking experience with each other.”

Improving your cooking skills cannot be achieved by working behind closed doors.

Everyone has their own cooking skills and unique skills, which stem from different understandings and ideas about cooking operations.

Communicating and learning from each other can help broaden the original knowledge and also change the thinking.

Only in this way can the understanding and operation of cooking skills be effectively improved.

Du Mingfeng thought of the familiarity that Fu Yu's name brought to him, and couldn't help but ask: "What is the background of this trainee you invited back?"

Liu Yongping knew about Du Mingfeng's situation. The focus of his life and career were all abroad, and he didn't know much about domestic affairs.

So he introduced: "He used to work as a chef at Bei'an Maxima Hotel. The young man is very good. He was promoted from a small worker within two years of graduating from chef school. In this year's National Chef Competition, he is also the provincial representative. I participated and immediately broke the record and won the championship.”

It turned out to be him!

The winner of the national chef competition!

No wonder this name sounds familiar.

Du Mingfeng had specifically searched for relevant videos on the Internet because this time the winner was a newcomer in the industry who stood out. He also paid attention to it, but he didn't expect that this person would now come to Fuchengchun for further study.

It's so awesome. It's not surprising that the sheep and scorpion pot is so good.

But if you want to learn the other party's cooking skills, it's probably out of the question.

Du Mingfeng has always been a very calm person. He quickly judged that there was no need to implement this matter and immediately let it go.

He was reminiscing with his old friend and asked casually: "You haven't slept all night. Are you going to rest at home today?"

Liu Yongping immediately said: "Without rest, I have made an appointment with everyone else to go to the stall at nine in the morning to discuss the content of this information."

Du Mingfeng asked curiously: "What information is it? You read it all night and you didn't even sleep?"

Liu Yongping couldn't help but show off: "Fu Yu has accumulated a lot of information and is preparing to compile it into a guide on cooking fire control skills. He just sent all the information to me last night."

Du Mingfeng was stunned!

Liu Yongping had been holding it in all night, and he was in a high mood at this time. He couldn't help but share: "This guy is really awesome. You haven't seen this information. It's too comprehensive, too accurate, and too insightful!"

We made an appointment to gather at the stall in the morning to discuss the compilation of the guide.

In addition to me, there are also Chef Lu from Donglaishun and Chef He from Laoweige. You should have heard of them too, right? "

Du Mingfeng listened to Liu Yongping's excited voice on the phone and asked in disbelief: "You mean, Fu Yu is going to make a guide on cooking fire control skills?"

Liu Yongping said excitedly: "It's not about preparation. Let me tell you, after we finish our discussion this morning, I estimate that this guide will be completed!" (End of Chapter)

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