We Agreed To Set Sail and Become the Ruler of the Deep Sea?

Chapter 160: Ship spirit level LV5! (Please read! Please subscribe!)

Chapter 160 Ship Soul Level LV5! (Please read! Please subscribe!)

Seeing Xia En's questioning look, Joey took the initiative to explain.

 “This is also the legend I read in that ancient book.”

“It is said that before the great flood came, there was a mysterious and ancient city named [Emerald Ancient City].”

“It is the birthplace of today’s magic pattern technology.”

 —After Sean emptied Duke Nova's treasury, he obtained many ancient books that were not available on the market.

 On the one hand, it is the needs of [scholars] on the secret path, and on the other hand, it is personal interest. Joey likes to read these ancient books when he has nothing to do.

 When talking about these rumors at this time, she was naturally able to talk about them.

“…However, after a terrible and unexpected volcanic eruption, the ancient city was flooded with volcanic ash, and no one in the city was spared.”

“But it is precisely because of the presence of volcanic ash that the interior of the [Emerald Ancient City] is extremely well preserved. The buildings, books, and precious relics with magic patterns all maintain their former appearance.”

“Just three days ago, several young people on our island rashly went to sea and went to the [Emerald Ancient City], and they have not returned yet.”

“Of course I know how dangerous [Emerald Ancient City] is.”

 “That’s right.”

Xia En’s expression was also a little strange.

His attitude when talking to Ruel was different from other villagers.

 “That’s right, I’m going to eat them with the people and the boat!”

Even without a sea map, after learning about the existence of the [Emerald Ancient City], he still needed to explore the ruins.

“What if...the monsters in [Emerald Ancient City] fail to kill him?”

 It was as if...the village chief was deliberately tempting them to explore the [Emerald Ancient City]?

  Could it be that this is actually a trap?

 After hesitating for a moment, Xia En still responded: "Deal!"

 “Huh? Is there such a thing?”

 As for more accurate and wider-range charts, you need to complete this "side mission" to obtain them.

  But under the eyes of the village chief, he still hesitated to speak.

 But the question is, why did the village chief suddenly mention this ruins?

 Lur's cloudy eyes were burning with dangerous and greedy desires, and he murmured.

“We have been on this **** ice and snow island for too long. Isn’t a ship capable of long voyages exactly what we need?”

This mysterious [Emerald Ancient City] may be a good target.

  Ruhl said calmly: "Otherwise, I wouldn't let them go there."

Gray's face changed slightly: "Old man, do you want to..."

 Xia En's heart moved.

Roul smiled and shook his head: "No matter what, a trip to the [Emerald Ancient City] will weaken their strength."

“In exchange, you can make a rubbing of a nearby sea chart.”

 But he always felt that Ruhl's attitude was quite strange.

Gray's expression changed several times, and he was not very optimistic about his father's ideas, so he tried to persuade him.

“The women on the ship are also good trophies.”

“What I want to say is that this [Emerald Ancient City] is located in a piece of ice not far from [Ice and Snow Island].”

Village Chief Ruel chuckled: "The little girl is quite knowledgeable."

 Is there anything in the world that is without risk?

Even if [Emerald Ancient City] was really a trap set by the village chief of Ruhr, Xia En believed that he would never have guessed the existence of such a heaven-defying talent as [Deep Sea Diving]!

Soon, after getting a rough chart indicating the location of the [Emerald Ancient City], Xia En left the house.

“Old man, has anyone in our village been to [Emerald Ancient City] recently?”

 Since [Coral City] has been cleared and the subsequent profits are not high, he now urgently needs to find another place where he can [submerge] for a long time.

 The door of a house.

“It’s just that suddenly from a certain day, the number of people exploring the ancient city decreased greatly. Until now, very few people still know about such a ruins.”

“For a long time, this city has been a treasure trove for archaeologists and explorers.”

Watching the backs of Xia En and his group disappear from sight, Gray couldn't help but ask.

Judging from Ruhl’s words, there seems to be no problem. It is just an ordinary process of “releasing side tasks”.

"If possible, I hope Captain Shane can go to the [Emerald Ancient City] to at least...confirm whether they are alive or dead."

Gray recalled the appearance of that monster, and couldn't help but a flash of fear in his eyes.

As if seeing Xia En’s doubts, Ruel opened his mouth to explain.

 The reason is simple. Gray is Ruel's son, and this room is actually their home.

"Besides, you don't know how dangerous that place is...especially the ember monster..."

Hearing this, Gray's expression changed slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

 As for the risks…

“At that time, if we make a sudden attack, no matter how powerful he is, he is destined to suffer a big loss!”

“And if they are really strong enough to leave [Emerald Ancient City] unscathed, at worst they can just pretend that nothing happened.”

This old man is by no means a rude and brainless man.

 He is as vicious as a vulture and as cunning as a fox.

 In the end, it was Gray who was convinced by him.

Although Gray sympathizes with Shane and others, after all, he is Ruel's son and a villager in this village. He should stand on his father's side both emotionally and rationally.



at the same time.

Shaan has already brought Joey and others back to the coast.

It's just that this time, he didn't see the torch-like flames, maybe he was hiding quietly in a corner and shut himself up.

Xia En had no choice but to return to the [Black Swan] and follow the rough chart to the direction of the [Emerald Ancient City].

The distance between this ruins and [Snow Island] is indeed not far, coupled with the high speed of [Black Swan].

 Just one day.

 A thick layer of ice appeared in the eyes of Xia En and others.

“[Emerald Ancient City], is it under this ice?”

Joy looked at the ice surface curiously: "This ice layer doesn't seem to be anything special?"

“Furthermore, there seems to be no sign of other ships docking nearby.”

Shaan touched his chin and thought, "Is it really just an excuse?"

Joy was a little dazed when he heard it: "What's true? What's the excuse?"

Fei Ya, who had gone to the island together before, had already noticed it and said, "That village chief's excuse was too bad."

 “In other words, this is actually a naked conspiracy.”

“After all, after hearing the news that the [Emerald Ancient City] is nearby, any ambitious captain will probably want to take a look.”

Hearing this, Joey suddenly woke up and his beautiful eyes widened slightly.

“The village chief wants to harm us!?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Joey blushed a little.

  She quickly discovered that she was the last to realize this.

 In fact, before becoming a crew member of the Black Swan, Joey was very vigilant.

 But after following Xia En, he may have been too well protected, so his vigilance naturally relaxed a little.

Joy calmed down and asked, "Captain, what should we do now?"

Other crew members also looked at Xia En, waiting for his orders.

Xia En chuckled and said, "You've come here, so of course you can't leave empty-handed."

"But before that, I have to make some preparations."

"You guys are on alert on the deck. If anything unusual happens, notify me as soon as possible."

 After saying that, Xia En returned to the captain's cabin.

 Sitting on the familiar captain's chair, Shane closed his eyes.

 “Submarine, start!”

Consciousness penetrates the cold and clear water, and strands of chill seep into the soul.

next moment.

Shane opened his eyes.

 A magnificent water world under the ice appeared before his eyes.

The sunlight from above penetrates the ice crystals on the sea surface, creating a texture like light mist in the sea.

 Coupled with the exceptionally clear and transparent water of [Lenglie Sea], this seawater adds a bit of a dreamy atmosphere.

 Under the body, a dead, gray-black city is sitting there quietly, waiting for the visit of outsiders.

 “This is [Emerald Ancient City]?”

 Xia En thought secretly.

From the appearance alone, this city has nothing to do with "emerald". The surfaces of the buildings are covered with a layer of gray-black solid material.

That was probably the volcanic ash that submerged the city.

This kind of dust is insoluble in water and will naturally solidify in the absence of ocean currents.

But after a little observation, Xia En frowned slightly. “There’s something wrong with this place…”

 The biggest anomaly is that this sea area is a little too clean.

 This "clean" not only refers to sea water, but also refers to the marine life in sea water.

Looking around, there was no sign of any sea beasts in the surrounding water, not even a small fish!

 The sea is a place that breeds life. No matter how clean the sea water is, there should be life.


 Something wipes out all life!

Xia En was extremely vigilant and swam toward the city below.

 After a while, he came to the top of a street.

Thick volcanic ash accumulated on the buildings, and people could only barely see their outlines.

Not waiting for Xia En to control the sea water to disperse the volcanic ash on the surface of the building.

 Not far away, a dark red light gradually lit up in the dust.

Immediately, a dark red figure stood up from the volcanic ash and walked towards Xia En step by step.

 Its body is made entirely of ashes, and it is still twisting and squirming.

 Its body was burning with dark red fire.

 Even the cold sea water cannot extinguish it!

And among the ashes floating in the sea water, there was a faint, continuous and overlapping murmur.

 “I don’t want to die…”

 “Someone come and save me...”


These weird sounds penetrated the sea water and directly reached Xia En's ears, making his hair stand on end.

 To this day, Xia En has seen quite a few strange entities.

However, this burning ashes monster still frightened him secretly.

Just a few moments.

The murmurs and calls for help coming from the ashes turned into roars one after another, mixed with vicious curses.

 “It’s a living person…”

 “Why is he still alive?”

 “Kill him! Kill him!”

These ember monsters clearly harbor a strong resentment against the living.

In the streets and alleys, more and more ashes and smoke are squirming and rising, and dark red flames are rising from everywhere, attacking Xia En menacingly.

Xia En drew out the Blood Demon Sword and slashed out tentatively.


The great sword carried huge power as always, tearing apart the sea water and tearing apart the bodies of the Ember Dolls.

 But such physical attacks could not extinguish the flames burning in the ashes.

In just an instant, the ashes in the volcano condensed into a human form again, roaring and screaming in pain while charging forward.

 “Isn’t it really possible?”

 Xia En's heart sank slightly.

 He had previously speculated that this ember monster might not be able to be killed with conventional physical attacks.

 The current attempts have proved this guess.

To be honest, the current situation is quite unfavorable to Xia En.

This kind of physically immune enemy is actually very restrained in his fighting style.

 Simply put, it’s like a numerical monster meets a mechanical monster!

Unless Xia En uses a special skill like [Sword of Judgment], there is really no way to kill them completely.

“So...what about [Chaos Demon Pattern]?”

Xia En thought about this newly acquired talent.

 Just do it if you think of it.

Following Xia En's thoughts, ice blue magic patterns quickly appeared on his body surface.

 He stretched out his hand and moved forward slightly.

In an instant, blue ice crystals formed in the sea water, quickly freezing one of the ember figures.

 Subsequently, Xia En slashed with his sword, and the ice crystals and the ember humanoids were torn apart.

The strange flame in its body actually went out!

  【Kill the Ember Humanoid! 】

  【The presence of "Secret Sea Crystal" in the corpse has been detected. Should it be absorbed? 】

 Xia En's eyes lit up when he saw the text floating on the panel.


Moreover, this kind of monster can also explode experience points!

 Xia En's eyes changed instantly.

 He looked at the ember monsters all over the city, as if he were looking at a huge experience bag, and his mouth almost watered with greed.

 But right now, there is a serious problem…

 The good news is that [Chaos Pattern] has an outstanding effect on [Ember Humanoid].

 The bad news is that the magic marks on Xia En’s body don’t store much secret power at all!

 After all, he had just acquired this talent and had not even had time to develop [ordinary] qualities.

 Just after destroying three [Ember Humanoids], the cold secret power in the Shane Demon Pattern has already been exhausted.

 Looking in front of you, you can see countless groups of ashes coming in like a wave!


At this critical juncture, Xia En's mind remained highly calm, and he had a bold idea in a flash of inspiration.

“The essence of [Chaos Demon Pattern] is to absorb other secret powers and release them when necessary.”

“Since the secret power of ice and cold can be absorbed, can this weird flame on [Ember Humanoid] also be absorbed?”

 In normal times, Xia En would definitely not try it rashly.

 But now, the threat of an Ashes wave is imminent.

 Furthermore, even if the absorption fails, it is just the body of the projection of suffering.

Thinking of this, Xia En did not hesitate and stretched out his hand directly to touch the nearest ember humanoid.

 A burning pain immediately came from the palm of my hand.

 At the same time, some weak secret power of the ember was also absorbed by the magic lines in his body.

 In an instant.

The surging heat raged in Xia En's body and quickly spread throughout his body.

 This is a feeling he has never experienced before.

 It was as if the illusory blood, muscles, bones, and even the smallest component units in the projected body were ignited by this mysterious power.

Huge, heart-rending burning pain clearly acted on Xia En's body, making his mind go blank and unable to think at all.

 It's just that his body is not a real flesh and blood body after all, so it doesn't really burn.

  【Ship Soul Power -3! 】

  【Ship Soul Power -2! 】


 Only the power of the ship's soul is constantly falling on the panel, proving that the projected body continues to suffer terrible damage.

Amidst the severe pain, Xia En's consciousness gradually returned to clarity.

 “It turns out that this is what it feels like to be ignited…”

At this moment, he seemed to empathize with the pain of these ember figures.

 At the same time, he also developed a sincere admiration for Yan Yan.

Xia En looked at the wave of embers around him, his pupils bursting with red flames, and murmured.

“In that case, let me give you relief.”

 He opened his arms to the endless ashes.

 The surging heat flowed into Xia En's body along the orifices of his body.

The chaotic magic pattern began to shine, widen, and extend, from the main trunk of the chest, to the limbs, to the head, and to the tips of the fingers.

  【Talent: Chaos Demon Pattern (Inferior) → (Ordinary)! 】

  【Common→Rare! 】

 It’s not just the quality of this talent that is improving.

As one ember humanoid after another transferred heat to Xia En, the embers in their bodies were extinguished and converted into experience points.

  【Ship Soul Experience +0.2%! 】

 【Ship Soul Experience +0.8%! 】

  【Ship Soul Experience +0.3%! 】


 While each T-shaped creature doesn't give much experience, their sheer number makes up for it.

 I don’t know how long it has been.

Accompanied by a low buzzing sound, it was as if some invisible barrier had been broken through.

  【Ship Soul Level: LV5 (0%)! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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