Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3192 The victorious and defeated soldiers have unexpected family affairs

Chapter 3191 The victorious and defeated soldiers have unexpected family affairs

Huo Nu looked at the approaching Cao Jun camp, his eyes full of fire.

Different people have different views on the same thing.

For example, Sima Yi and Huo Nu's attitudes towards the newly built Cao Jun camp in Pubanjin were not very consistent.

Huonu wanted to do it again, but Sima Yi felt that he had to change his position.

Two people cannot agree on the same opinion.

Sima Yi mainly focused on safety. He felt that since he had successfully raided Cao Jun's camp and destroyed most of Cao Jun's food reserves, Cao Jun would inevitably face a food shortage situation. In this case, it may trigger Cao Jun's troops are anxious to jump over the wall, so there is no need to specifically attack the camp outside Puban County. You only need to wait for its defeat to reap some benefits.

But the problem is that Huo Nu doesn't agree, or in other words, he thinks this is a good opportunity. Cao's army's retreat was cut off, and the army was bound to be in turmoil. Therefore, with just a little more force, Cao's army could be completely defeated.

Seeing Huo Nu's fighting spirit rising, Sima Yi smiled after thinking for a moment and agreed to let Huo Nu lead half of the troops to attack Cao's new camp in Puban County, while Sima Yi himself led the other half of the troops to hold the battle.

Huo Nu actually didn’t think much about it.

He didn't want to compete with Sima Yi, he just felt that Cao Jun was weak, so why did he seize the opportunity to gain more merit? If Sima Yi asked him with a military order, Huo Nu would also comply. But now that Sima Yi agreed to him leading troops to attack at night, Huo Nu thought it was good.

But when Huonu actually led his troops to attack Cao Jun's new camp in Puban County, he felt slightly different...

The resistance of Cao Jun was obviously much tougher than that of the old camp near Zhang Yangchi.

Honu led the charge, but his horse tripped over an inconspicuous snagging rope inside the camp. Fortunately, Huo Nu was agile and adjusted his posture in time when he fell off his horse. Not only did he not fall to the ground, but he threw out the spear in his hand and killed a Cao soldier.

He quickly stood up, drew his sword, and rushed forward like a tiger, slashing at the Cao soldiers who were rushing toward him.

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and another hussar cavalry rushed in, stabbing to death the Cao soldiers who were fighting with Huo Nu.

Huonu shouted, "There's a tripping rope!" Be careful! 』

At this moment, Huonu still failed to notice the danger until Cao Hong appeared.

Cao Hong was fully clothed, roaring, and with his two hundred heavy armor men, he rushed out of the tent where he was hiding and blocked Huonu and other hussars.

Rows of large shields were erected behind the horses, as if layers of copper and iron walls appeared out of thin air.

A hussar soldier who was unable to dodge rushed forward and hit the large shield with a loud bang. Although the heavy armored soldier with large shield was knocked backwards and flew away, the hussar soldier was also knocked out. The war horse whined, staggered and slowed down, foaming at the mouth.

"cut! 』

Cao Hong jumped out from one side, and the battle ax in his hand whizzed down!

The hussars quickly tried to turn their horses' heads to let the war horses dodge, but the war horses, which had suffered a collision and slowed down, were not able to completely avoid Cao Hong's slashing attack.

One of the horse's legs was cut off, and the horse fell to the ground with blood splattering on it.

The hussars on horseback tried to stand up and fight again, but the soldiers of Cao's army on the side had already swarmed forward like jackals that had discovered a bloody prey, waving their swords and guns.

Blood sprayed among the crowd, carrying layers of white smoke.

After the warmth, it gradually becomes cold.

Reject the horse's frame and trip over the horse's rope.

Spear and shield, heavy armor and halberd.

The war horse fell to the ground with a crash, and Cao Jun's soldiers pounced on him wildly.

On the battlefield, similar fights continued to occur.

Soon, the land where the battle took place was stained red with blood.

The hussars are more flexible than Cao's soldiers and always have the initiative.

But they were unconsciously separated by the tents and Cao Jun soldiers in the camp...

Seeing that Cao's soldiers, under the leadership of Cao Hong, continued to strengthen the frontal defense line, Huonu, who had found his horse again, was unwilling to fail. He gathered some troops with him again, retreated a certain distance, and then ran towards Cao Hong's soldiers. Line flanks.

A shield can obviously only have the greatest defensive power when blocking from the front.

Once the flanks of the infantry line are broken through, the large shield troops on the front will lose their effectiveness.

"No withdrawal allowed!" Set up a spear! Go up! 』

Cao Hong shouted, his voice still a little hoarse.

He suddenly remembered that back then, he was fighting across a large river and facing war horses from the north. It's just that at that time, they were facing the war horses from Northeast Youzhou, but now they are facing the war horses from Xiliang.

At that time, it was also a fierce battle facing the enemy head-on.

Likewise, if you retreat, you will have nothing.

When Cao Cao faced Yuan Shao back then, although he claimed that he would win ten times and lose ten times, he actually didn't have much confidence.

Cao Hong can actually feel this.

But now, Cao Hong once again noticed the similar uneasiness in Cao Cao's heart.

Will this battle have the same result as the last one?

Cao Hong didn't have time to think deeply. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the sharp hussars had already crashed into the flank defense line of Cao Hong's formation.

The hussars gathered into a small formation, like a swinging hammer, powerfully smashing into the flanks of Cao Hong's military line, as if they were going to completely smash Cao Hong's military formation and smash it into pieces...

Huonu's eyes showed a bit of joy.

The cavalry relies on flexible tactics when fighting against infantry. The reason why it dares to fight head-on when facing a larger number of Cao's soldiers is because it is easier for the cavalry to seize such opportunities on the battlefield. As long as Cao's line of troops is impacted and collapses, , then he is confident that he can win this battle!

However, Huonu found that Cao's army was beyond ordinary stubbornness and also appeared to be unusually tough. Although it was dented under the impact of the hussars, it did not break, and there was a faint tendency to rebound...


Honu found himself as if stuck in a quagmire.

The speed of the war horse was forced to slow down, and more and more swords and guns were stabbed in front of him.

The comrades around him fell one by one. Huonu himself didn't know when he was stabbed. There was a medium-sized hole on his leg and arm, and blood was flowing out.

"Kill out!" ” Honu shouted, “Don’t stop! rush out! 』

Huonu's wounds were bleeding, and he was still slashing hard while looking for a way to break out.

But the surroundings were dark and dark, and the firelight was flickering. In the moment of urgency, it was difficult to identify the specific location.

Only now did Huo Nu realize that what Sima Yi said was correct. Cao Jun was well prepared and was not as incompetent as he originally thought...

After all, Cao Jun has gone through several battles in the Central Plains. Even if he is a soldier who has fought in hundreds of battles, at least the troops directly under Cao Jun's generals are carefully selected.

The reason why the previous battles went very smoothly is that on the one hand, Sima Yi cleverly used the long to attack the short, and on the other hand, most of the soldiers Huonu and others faced were ordinary Cao soldiers.

Another group of Cao soldiers surged up.

"Go...go..." Huo Nu struggled to deal with the swords and guns coming from around him.

But where to go?

Everyone knows that we should flee towards Puban County now, but the question is, which side is Puban County?

Blood, fire.

Knives and guns, screams.

Everywhere he looked, there was blood, fire, and sword light. There was a buzzing in the ears, and everyone was screaming, screaming, and roaring.

Normally, Huo Nu could tell where Bei was with his eyes closed and which direction he should go. However, in the current chaotic battle, with swords and guns stabbing him at any time, he couldn't spare any time. Go and see in which direction Puban County is and where you want to break through.

Just when Huo Nu and others were gradually surrounded, gradually losing their space to move, and about to be surrounded and annihilated by Cao's soldiers in the camp, they heard the sound of a copper whistle that was like the sound of nature!


Along with the sound of the copper whistle, there was also the sound of rapid horse hooves.

Just like a thirsty person in the desert who suddenly encounters a clear spring, Huonu and others immediately cheered up!

"here! it's here! 』

"Kill out!" Keep up! Fight out! 』

The cold night took away the remaining warmth from the blood.

Corpses, weapons, and damaged utensils were scattered throughout Cao Jun's camp.

The dilapidated battle flag was abandoned in the darkness, trampled by pairs of feet.

Those who once could run, jump, sing and laugh are now silent pieces of meat.

Before, they were holding swords and guns, attacking each other as if they were sworn enemies. Now they are hugging each other, like lovers who will never be separated regardless of life or death...

If you just look at this scene, you may think that Cao Jun failed again.

But judging from the final result of the battle, Cao Hong successfully withstood the Hussars' raid with his infantry, and almost annihilated the Huonu branch. If Sima Yi hadn't realized that the situation was not right and brought his troops to the rescue, Cao Hong would have been saved. If you can't help it, you can chop off Huonu's head to relieve some of the anger in your heart.

Therefore, Cao Jun won this time.

Sima Yi took the remaining soldiers and fled back to Puban County.

Are the disadvantages and advantages really what you see in front of you, are they real?

Cao Hong led his men in pursuit for a while, but after all, two legs could not catch up with four legs, and he was still wearing heavy armor. Less than 500 steps out of the camp, he was out of breath and couldn't run away. Moved. He cursed a few times in the direction Sima Yi fled, then withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

Amid the cheers of Cao's soldiers, Cao Hong placed his blood-stained battle ax on the ground, grinned.

Indeed, they finally won the battle.

He wiped the plasma on his face, then looked at the cheering soldiers of Cao's army around him, and felt the glory and pride that surged up in their hearts again...

"we won! 』

Cao Hong raised his arms and shouted.

"Wan Sheng!" Won victory! 』

Cao Jun's soldiers cheered.

Morale has somewhat recovered.

Cao Hong patted this, patted that, and then took the opportunity to encourage him, and then ordered the assignment of tasks, patrolling the posts, and cleaning the battlefield.

This battle is actually quite dangerous.

When Huonu and his men hit the flank of Cao Hong's army, Cao's army almost collapsed. If Cao Hong and his guards had not withstood the impact of Huo Nu and others, Cao's army would have been defeated...

In the past few days, Cao's army has been teased by Sima Yi, sneak attacked, and beaten. Now they defeated the Hussars in a head-on battle. This really proved that they can defeat the Hussars. The Hussars are not invulnerable. Will.

Hussars and horses are not really invincible. As long as they dare to rush forward and fight for their lives, the hussars and horses will bleed and die.

This did give Cao Jun some confidence.

But faith cannot be eaten as food.

The soldiers of Cao's army held torches high and were cleaning the battlefield and collecting their lost weapons and armor.

The casualties have not yet been counted.

With the help of his guards, Cao Hong took off the outermost layer of armor.

Blood clots and minced meat stuck to the surface of the armor. One of the guards grabbed some dirt on the ground and worked hard to rub the flesh and blood away, otherwise it would stink the next day.

Cao Hong's eyes swept over and some of the faces he was familiar with disappeared.

If infantry fights cavalry, there will inevitably be heavy casualties.

In the cold wind, the faint groans of wounded soldiers could be heard.

The soldiers of Cao's army in the distance were still immersed in the excitement of victory, but Cao Hong's brows gradually wrinkled.

Although such a victory boosted morale and gave Cao's soldiers confidence, it could not reverse the disadvantageous situation Cao Hong was currently facing.

There was a shortage of food and grass, and the soldiers were seriously injured.

"Prepare to withdraw. ” Cao Hong also grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, and while rubbing the hard and sticky blood in his hands, he whispered to the guards around him, “Don’t make any noise for now, let them... wait until daybreak to make food and withdraw.” 』

"Withdrawal?" ”The guard was stunned for a moment.

Although they did think about withdrawing their troops, they just won a battle...

"Only..." the guard responded. After a moment of silence, he asked Cao Hongdao in a low voice, "General... we... do we really have a chance of taking Chang'an?" 』

"This is natural!" ” Cao Hong said in a deep voice, and then patted the guard on the shoulder, “Now is not the time to think about these things. The battlefield needs to be cleaned up, the wounded soldiers need to be cared for, the baggage needs to be counted, and the supplies need to be packed... We still have many things to be busy with... 』

The guard nodded and took the order and left.

Cao Hong stood in the camp and looked towards Puban County in the distance.

Yes, is it really possible to seize Guanzhong?

I seemed to think that this kind of question still needed to be asked before, but now I feel that this is indeed a problem...

When Cao Hong heard that Fei Qian did not build a new city wall in Chang'an and said that Chang'an did not need a city wall for defense, he still laughed at Fei Qian for pretending to be a fat man. He said that he had no money to build the Chang'an city wall so fresh and refined, so righteous. However, then I discovered that Fei Qian was not really without money.

Then Cao Hong thought that Fei Qian was a madman, and only a madman would be so arrogant. He didn't build the city wall even though he had money. Did Fei Qian forget how the Qiang people invaded Chang'an?

Now Cao Hong is vaguely aware of some changes in his thoughts, maybe...

Fei Qian is not crazy?

So if Fei Qian is not a madman, what is he?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but murmured to himself, "I want to be cool and strive for supremacy in the world?" There is too little farmable land in Bingzhou and Liangzhou. How can we support so many people and have so many soldiers... This is ridiculous. Ha ha ha ha. 』

Halfway through his laughter, Cao Hong couldn't help but think of Qin Qin, so he laughed a few times but stopped laughing.

After Liu Xiu, the people of Shandong have been comfortable and proud for nearly two hundred years, and have somewhat forgotten those earlier things...

Even Fei Qian's previous incident of leading soldiers and horses to Xu County was forgotten by them intentionally or unintentionally.

Worrying about the country and its people is too hard.

It’s so tiring to think and use your brain.

It is more simple and comfortable to watch beauties singing and dancing...

Cao Hong found a relatively clean wooden pile, sat down, and thought.

The reason why the Six Kingdoms failed that year was because there were serious conflicts and distrust among the Six Kingdoms in Shandong. The Qin State also intensified these conflicts by sowing discord, which resulted in the Six Kingdoms being unable to form a stable alliance. They fought independently and lacked a unified Command and coordination are issues of command.

But now Shandong is no longer the Six Kingdoms. Cao Cao has unified Shandong. Although the Chu land...forget it, don't worry about that. The other areas are basically under Cao Cao's command, so there is no command problem. The phenomenon of war will not appear...

Cao Hong nodded.

What about military matters?

Needless to say, Fei Qian's soldiers are indeed more powerful than Shandong's soldiers, and ordinary soldiers in Shandong are unable to compete head-on with Fei Qian's soldiers in a field battle, but similarly, Fei Qian's soldiers The quantity is too small. After consuming a batch, it will inevitably make it difficult to replenish the elite, so only continuous consumption is needed...

Just like what Cao Cao said, he dragged Fei Qian into the quagmire of war, used the long-term war to wear down Fei Qian's combat effectiveness, and killed a large number of his young and strong labor force. With the population base not as good as Shandong, Guanzhong The company's production will inevitably be severely damaged. Even if Fei Qian has firearms and artillery, what can he do?

As for the gentry and squires in Hedong, Guanzhong, although there is no large-scale rebellion against Fei Qian at the moment, after Fei Qian's strength weakens, these guys who were originally on Fei Qian's side will inevitably want to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side again, and want to fight against Fei Qian again. Shandong moves closer, and when Fei Qian is besieged internally and externally, destroying him is just like how Liu Xiu could easily capture Guanzhong and capture Emperor Shi Geng.

There is nothing wrong with Cao Cao’s strategy!

Cao Hong thought about it for a while and determined this. He was only temporarily frustrated now, but overall, they still had certain advantages. As long as Fei Qian's men continued to be consumed, they would be able to win the final victory.

Therefore, these dead and injured soldiers of Cao's army have also completed their mission...

They died gloriously!

Cao Hong had made up his mind and suddenly felt relieved.

A temporary defeat is not a big deal. Just like when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought, wasn't it also an early defeat?

The good show is yet to come, Cao Hong believes that they will definitely win the final victory!

Just like back then!

Yes, it must be like this...

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