Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 78 What are you reading?

"When he was a child, he was beaten by his father. He ran away in anger and fell into an abandoned stone pit in a quarry next to their village. It was a desolate place and no one went there during the New Year. His family looked for him for two days but couldn't find him. Finally, he was rescued by a herbalist with his last breath. I don't know why the man ran away to collect herbs during the New Year... Later, he pretended to be a good guy in the county and fought with someone. The other party had a deep background and was about to be thrown into jail. In the end, he was picked up by his master and was lucky enough to be... His master accepted him as a disciple..."

"The most interesting thing is that when he was ten years old, his father praised his second brother for his good study. He was not convinced, so he took a few taels of silver and went to the county to find a good teacher... Later, he was deceived and abducted to the next county. He was about to become a beggar, but he was thrown a tael of silver just as he squatted in the corner with disheveled hair and dirty face. With this tael of silver, he hitched a ride all the way back to Fengting Town..."

At night, Su Qingmei lay in bed, thinking about what Liu Juye said during the day.

Try to piece together the image of Lu Bocheng in Liu Juye's mouth. I didn't expect that the image of that guy was like this.

She had been with Lu Bocheng for less than a month, and she didn't like him to the point of having to be with him. The two of them got married without knowing each other, and they got married first. As for the love after that, there was no time to cultivate it, and he went to the front line.

Fortunately, during that time, the two of them got along well, without the awkwardness of newlyweds.

Although Lv Bocheng liked plump and fair women, he did not reject her. He not only spoke well of her in front of Lv Shengcai and Wu, but also transferred his maternal grandfather's land and house to her. He also promised that she could take it away as a dowry when she remarried in the future. Su Qingmei was touched. She had not planned to remarry from the beginning. She thought he was pleasing to the eye, so she wanted to leave a child to accompany her. Lv Bocheng was reluctant at first, but was later persuaded by her, and hoped to leave a bloodline. Before leaving, he gave them names, Yang and Xi, probably hoping that the child could dispel the haze like sunlight and bring infinite hope. I don't know where he is now, he should still be alive. Not so unlucky, he died so soon, right? Isn't it said that he is a little unlucky? I hope he can survive to the end... Su Qingmei thought about it in a mess, and finally fell asleep in a daze. She never expected that the man she was thinking about was also thinking about her while holding the purse containing the couple's wedding gift. After a month of rapid march, we finally reached the current camp. Every day before dawn, the horn sounded, urging people to die. Every day, we had to get up quickly, wash and dress, and assemble at the training ground. If we were a little slow, we would be beaten with military sticks.

Every day, we practiced various movements such as chopping, stabbing, and picking. We were so tired that we didn’t want to eat. Like a dog, we only had time to catch our breath.

At night, every part of my body was screaming, sore and painful, which was unbearable. I was so tired that I didn’t want to move when I lay on the plank bed.

I fell asleep as soon as I touched the bed board.

The next day, my hands and feet were so sore that I couldn’t lift them. I couldn’t feel my feet on the ground, as if I was stepping on cotton. My hands were so sore that I couldn’t even hold chopsticks. I kept repeating those military postures every day. If I couldn’t keep up, I would be beaten again.

Lu Bocheng was kicked many times by his superiors and beaten with military sticks many times, but he finally got used to it.

Now he has enough energy to think about things as soon as he touches the bed. He thinks about his newly married wife.

It's all his fault. He was not good at studying. Why didn't he think of finding a calligraphy and painting teacher to learn the painting skills? If he had this skill, it would be great to draw his wife and carry the picture with him. He could take it out and look at it at ordinary times.

If it takes a long time, I'm afraid he won't be able to remember what she looks like.

That stinky woman didn't remind him that it would be difficult to find a painter in the county.

Find a painter to draw his portrait and put it in their room, so that she won't be messing around and not taking good care of the family.

The stinky woman must have done it on purpose.


It must be.

Lu Bocheng muttered indignantly for a while, and then recited the military book in a low voice... He only recited for a while, and then counted the days. It has been fifty-four days since he left his wife. He didn't know whether his son and daughter had found a way to reincarnate, and whether they had found their mother. He was really worried.

After mumbling for a while, he finished worrying and silently recited the military book...

The next morning, the new soldiers in the barracks were tied with sandbags on their legs and pulled out to run to practice endurance.

The one running behind Lu Bocheng was his comrade in the same tent, named Gou Wa. Only halfway through, he felt that the two sandbags were like lead, weighing down his legs, trying to pull him to the ground, and he was so tired that he was panting behind Lu Bocheng.

Seeing Lu Bocheng in front of him reciting while running, he was full of admiration.

I was so inspired by Lu Bocheng that I didn't dare to fall behind too much, and I gritted my teeth and followed closely. It was Lu Bocheng who inspired him to run the whole course, saving his superiors from beating him.

When they arrived at the destination, Gou Wa fell on the grass and lay flat, and didn't move.

Just when he had just stopped breathing, he saw Lu Bocheng carrying him again, and his head hurt.

"Lü Bocheng, what are you reciting? You recite it when you sleep, when you practice, and when you run. Where do you get so much energy?"

Lü Bocheng lay on the grass, looking at the clear sky, his eyes wandering, with infinite longing.

"I'm reciting what my wife said."

Lü Bocheng remembered what his wife said, that the military book is not convenient to show up in the world, and there will be a lot of trouble, so he didn't intend to tell the truth.

"Ah? You still have to recite this? Are you henpecked? You recite it every day, do you have so many things to say? What did you say? Speak it out, so that I can know what you are thinking about."

Lu Bocheng remembered the way Su Qingnuo explained the art of war to him word for word in a serious manner. He remembered that when he asked her why she was like this and why she did that, the lady couldn't explain, so she got angry and called him a scumbag.

She said that she had never been in a war, and asked him to remember it first and think about it later on the battlefield.

Lu Bocheng wanted to laugh when he thought of Su Qingnao's expression of hatred when she scolded him as a scumbag.

"My wife said that you sweat more during normal times and bleed less during war."

Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war? Gouwa held it in his mouth and kept saying it silently, Huh? It seems to make some sense.

Just as he was about to ask a question, a man who looked like a Shangguan came over and said, "Does your wife still know about things on the battlefield?"

"Lord Captain!"

When the two recruits saw their infantry captain asking questions, they leapt up from the grass and stood up straight.

The captain smiled and said, "It's not a drill now, just relax."

Seeing both of them let out a sigh of relief, he smiled and asked, "What's your name? Did your wife tell you about things on the battlefield?"

"Sir, the younger one's name is Lu Bocheng, from Fengting Town, Binh Chuan County, Quang Ninh Prefecture. The younger one just got married before joining the army. She didn't want to be a widow, so she told me something."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" The captain was very interested.

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