Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 76 Spending money to buy peace

On this day, Su Qingyu was watching workers building ovens and digging cellars in the backyard. read

Ever since the store's business was affected by the opening of four new vegetable shops, Su Qingyu was thinking of a way out.

Decided to use the fruit ripening technique to collect more fruits. As long as this is done well, the store's income can be greatly increased. But there has to be a place to store the fruit. So she discussed with Old Man Xie about digging a cellar in the backyard.

He thought it would take a lot of effort, but old man Xie agreed without saying a word and asked Su Qingyu to store more ice in the winter. There was no ice this summer, but it was too hot for him.

Su Qingyu got his consent and immediately hired someone to dig the cellar.

And because there were a lot of leftovers, she started researching how to make all kinds of dried vegetables, pickled vegetables, kimchi, pickles, pickles, dehydrated dried vegetables, dried fruits, and preserved fruits, so she decided to build two more ovens in the backyard and add another one in the kitchen. Add a stove and set up a large iron pot.

She was busy in the backyard that day, and only Su Qingliu and Zhou Dajiang were in the front shop. After a while, Su Qingyu heard a burst of noise and smashing, and immediately ran to see it.

I saw Su Qingliu and Zhou Dajiang confronting a few second-rate men in the store.

The other party had already brushed aside the vegetables on the row of vegetable racks without saying a word. The vegetables were swept to the ground, and they stepped on them, leaving filthy juice and rotten leaves all over the floor.

Su Qingyu looked up.

It's that group again.

Huabao didn't treat Su Qingliu differently just because she and she were from the same village.

Holding the stick and tapping the palm of his other hand: "Su Qingliu, for the sake of the village, I asked my elder brother to charge you less. If you had said this store was yours, I wouldn't have let them destroy it just now. That’s a row of dishes.”

"Oh? Then I have to thank you?" Su Qingyu walked over and said coldly.

Hua Bao turned around and looked at her for a long time before he recognized her. Sure enough, it was different after marrying into the town.

"It turns out you are a young prostitute. I just went to the quarry in the next county to help out for a few days, and now you open a shop? Sure enough, you married a shop owner and opened a shop to do business. Tsk tsk, look. I’m very envious of such a big store.”

Several thugs laughed arrogantly: "It turns out that the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family didn't recognize each other. I told you that we were all acquaintances, and we weren't so rude just now."

One of the subordinates said angrily: "Since we are from the same village as Brother Bao, we naturally have to take care of you. If there is any trouble in this town from now on, the girl will just come to your brothers. Anyone who is ignorant dares to trouble you. My brothers have all done it for you.”

"That's right, it will be easier if we know each other. In the future, we won't have so many people coming to collect money. You just have to prepare the money and hand it over to Brother Bao. For a store as big as yours, you can only give five taels a month. Bar."

There was a handsome-looking man who looked around the store and made up his mind.

Five taels?

It only takes five taels to open your mouth?

"Are you serious?" Su Qingyu asked coldly.

"You couldn't be more serious. You and Huabao live in the same village. You are his sister, so naturally you are our sister. Five taels is too little. Look at you vegetable shops, you have destroyed all the stalls in the vegetable market. We After looking around, I couldn’t get one or two hundred coins. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×”

"In what name did you collect this money? Who did you give the money to? Did you give it to the county government or the government, or did you keep it yourself? All stores in the town have to give it to you?" Su Qingyu asked in a calm tone.

ha? Also hand it over to the county government office? The county government office doesn’t pay them any salary? It’s the county government office that doesn’t pay them.

"Of course all the shops will pay. If you give us the money, we can keep you safe. No one will come to woo you again, and no one will charge you any other fees."

"Can you also help waive the commercial taxes collected by the county government?"

The head choked.

"The county, the county government's business tax is collected by the county government, it's none of our business! Give it to whomever you should give it to. What I'm talking about now is the money to keep you safe. You don't want someone to come and ask questions every now and then. You want money, right? Just give it to us. If someone else comes, you can just say that you have given it to us, and they won’t ask you to collect it again. Do you understand?”

Seeing that Su Qingyu didn't respond at all, she frowned and said, "Why are you so troublesome? Didn't I explain it clearly enough?"

After saying that, he glanced at the guy next to him.

The minions next to her nodded repeatedly: "It's obvious that she was too stupid to understand what brother said."

Hua Bao got the hint and turned to Su Qingyu and said: "We are from the same village. I don't want to make it look too ugly. Just pay the money happily and there won't be so much trouble in the future. Besides, the brothers are all here too." It’s about living.”

Do I still want to take care of your lives? Who are you to me!

"If every shop pays, I will naturally not refuse to pay. If you just pinch which persimmon is soft, then I don't. My shop can't even make five taels a month." Su Qingyu said lightly. .

One of the gangsters didn't believe it: "You can't make five taels from such a big shop? Who believes it!"

"Believe it or not, how much you can earn selling vegetables! Besides, four shops have opened in town to compete with me for business. You should have seen it too."

Hua Bao and the leader looked at each other, then put their heads together and whispered a few words.

Hua Bao turned around and said: "Then you will hand over three taels every month. From now on, if the brothers have no food or meat at home, you will get some more."

Su Qingliu and Zhou Dajiang laughed angrily when they heard this. After paying the money, it doesn’t count and you still have to come and get it for free? Be a robber! Staring at the group of people angrily.

"Linlang Pavilion, Jixiang Shop, Jiqing Rice Shop, have you collected money?" Su Qingnao glanced at him and said.

Hey, this little lady is interesting. He also put his status and status together with those shops. It doesn’t matter what background someone else has or what background she has.

"Those brothers don't dare to take them in. If there is someone above them, they don't need the protection of the brothers, and the brothers don't dare to reach out. Sister, if there is someone above you, the brothers will naturally not reach out to you. But, you don't Is she the newly married daughter-in-law of Lu Ji Grocery Store on South Street? Your father-in-law even rewards us with a few taels of liquor money every month, but you don’t want to give us anything.”

"My father-in-law is my father-in-law, and I am me. As I said, I don't make that much profit in a month now. Moreover, if you collect it for the county government, I will give it to you if you borrow it, but if not, I'm sorry that I can't do anything. "

"You! You little lady, you prefer to drink fine wine instead of eating. It seems that the row of vegetable racks I just smashed at you was too small."

Seeing that he was about to make a move, Huabao hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Brother, don't be angry yet. I'll try to persuade you again and again. You're from a village, give me some face."

After saying that, he reached out to pull Su Qingyu, wanting to drag her to a secluded place to discuss things with her. Unexpectedly, Su Qingyu turned around and avoided her.

Hua Bao was also angry, angry that she didn't know how to appreciate her.

He raised his voice and said: "For the sake of the village, I will help you discuss it with the elder brother. For a shop as big as yours, if you can't pay three taels, you still have to pay one or two taels, otherwise we will not be responsible for anything that happens."

"What's going to happen?"

"Then who knows. At night, drunkards break down the door, someone throws dead mice at the courtyard wall, and so on. If you pay the protection fee in time, we will naturally protect you, and you can sleep peacefully at night."

Su Qingyu understood it as soon as he heard it.

This is spending money to buy peace. If you don't spend money, they will naturally have thousands of ways to deal with you.

Villains have been difficult to deal with since ancient times. She didn't want to provoke villains, but she didn't want to encourage their momentum. I always feel aggrieved after paying out money. Who knows if they will find it easy to pinch persimmons and come to you every day asking for money.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Brothers, if you don't have enough food to go with the food, I can give you one or two hundred coins a month to buy it for you. That's okay, but no more will be available."

She doesn't have a thigh hug now and doesn't want to cause trouble.

"You little lady, you can't make sense? What a waste of words we brothers have been talking about! Brothers, come on, show this little lady some color, brothers are not just talkers without practice!"

Seeing a group of gangsters about to sweep away the food shelves with sticks...

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