Los Angeles, when Zai Dao's plane landed, he walked out of the airport wearing casual clothes and carrying his suitcase.

Originally, Zaidao basically traveled without luggage, but since he had to stay in Los Angeles for a long time, he specially brought a few changes of clothes.

Three weeks have passed since the last princess special, and RM has filmed it three times in three weeks. Since the ratings are now basically maintained at 9%, the program team is ready to strike while the iron is hot and create some more interesting specials.

For this reason, although the last episode of RM was just a normal special episode between the members, it was divided into two episodes.

Because of this, Zaidao has two weeks of free time, so he can speed up the filming progress here.

"Hey Han!"

When he walked out of the airport, Zaidao immediately saw the assistant director David who drove to pick him up, and walked up to him and gave him a warm hug.

"I'm sorry, David, I am participating in a variety show in the cold country, so I have no way to escape. I have really caused trouble for you during this period. Zaidao said very apologetically, while David shook his head and said with a smile:"No, you didn't cause me any trouble. Your company is constantly providing me with funds, and I have never been stuck in funds. This is already very good news for Chad and me."

"Let me tell you another good news. The Mercedes-Benz Group has sponsored five Mercedes-Benz cars for us, and there is also a sponsorship fee of one million. The only requirement is that their cars can appear on the big screen."

"This is great isn't it?"Hearing David's words, Zaidao smiled. He was not unhappy with the sponsorship of the Mercedes-Benz Group.

KS is his group, which is good, but the KS Group's main focus is clothing, which does not conflict with the requirements of the Mercedes-Benz Car Company. Of course, If Louis Vuitton or Armani requested sponsorship, that would be a different matter.

You must know that for this movie, Zaidao specially designed a suit for his character in the movie. He hopes that after the movie is released, the sales of this KS suit will be huge. Can the volume of goods increase?

"So, have you arranged the venue and actors?"Zai Dao threw his luggage into the trunk, got into the passenger seat, and asked about the shooting location.

"certainly! Nightclubs in New York, villas in Los Angeles, abandoned factories, hotels, etc. have basically been negotiated, and the actors are already in place, just waiting for you to come over and start filming!"

David smiled and started the car, preparing to take Zai Dao to meet the actors who would appear in Los Angeles.

《The movie"John Wick" mainly tells the story of John Wick, a retired killer. His wife died of cancer, and the only dog left at home is the dog he and his wife left behind.

Just when Wick was just beginning to adapt to life, a group of gangsters headed by Trasov broke into his home, stole one of his classic Ford cars, and also killed the car that his deceased wife had left for him. dog.

The death of his beloved dog made Wick intolerable. He went all the way to New York for revenge, only to find that Trasov's father Vigo was a ruthless Russian gangster.

Vigo offered a large sum of money to take Wick's life on the black market, but it was Wick's old friend Marcus who came to kill him.

At this time, Wick faced a choice. Having just escaped from the life of a killer, whether he should risk his life and embark on the road of revenge.

To put it simply, the main characters in this movie are the gangster, the gangster’s son, the protagonist Han Zaidao himself, the protagonist’s friend Marcus, and another female killer who was bribed by the gangster.

Except for a few people, there are basically no important plot characters. Of course, the owner of the killer hotel will be a foreshadowing.

In the previous life, 20 million U.S. dollars was invested in this movie, and it eventually earned more than 88 million U.S. dollars at the box office. After the movie was released, the movie was added to the four Hollywood jokes that should not be messed with.

The Big Four in Hollywood should not be messed with, including Liam Neeson’s family, Statham’s courier, Denzel’s friends, and Keanu Reeves’ dog!

In movies, even among many scary characters, the murderous Jason definitely has an unshakable status. It can even be said that mentioning his name can stop children from crying at night, but even counting Jason, who has filmed countless sequels , the total number of people he killed may not have been more than a hundred.

However, the protagonist of this movie, a man known as the"Night Stalker" by his peers, killed the least number of people by himself in the first"Fast Chase" movie. 85 people.

The main reason why Zai Dao fell in love with this movie was its influence and the fact that he could make a sequel.

I believe that after this movie is released, Zai Dao will be able to make a name for himself in Hollywood with it, and then launch other movies while the iron is hot to lay the foundation.

"Han, do you know? When people in Hollywood heard that I had cast a Chinese to play the leading role in this movie, they all said I was crazy. Oh my god, to be honest, when I first saw your acting skills, I felt like I was crazy."

David said with a smile while driving the car.

"Why do you say that? Zaidao asked teasingly.

"What do you want me to say, Han. David smiled and was silent for a moment, and then explained:"Your acting skills are so great that I completely ignored your nationality.""

"I believe you will gain a lot of popularity with this movie, and I can see that there seems to be a sequel to your script!"

David's words were very brief, but the meaning revealed was also very obvious. He was a little afraid that Zai Dao would kick him and Chad away after he gained fame after filming this first film, but he was willing to continue filming with Zai Dao. The sequel to the"Speed" series.

After hearing David's words, Zaidao smiled and comforted:"Don't worry, David, there are many movies in this series. I believe we can keep filming him, and don't forget. Yes, you promised me that you would join my company."

Joining the company was an ancillary clause between Zaidao, David and Chad. If David and Chad joined Zaidao's newly established agency in Hollywood, Zaidao could guarantee that they would co-produce with him at least once a year. A movie.

After that, the two of them can pick up movies from outside, or if they think the script is good, they can apply for funding from Zaidao to shoot it themselves.

This additional clause is suitable for both Zaidao and David. It's mutually beneficial. After all, although Zaidao has the directing ability of a top director, he can't take care of every aspect.

For example, this time, he can make requests to David and others, and then let David and others deal with the venue and arrangements. Equipment, actors, and he only needed to come over and start filming, and he would be gone soon.

After receiving Zai Dao's assurance, David felt more at ease and began to discuss some small stories about Los Angeles with Zai Dao. While the two were chatting, they also arrived at the hotel smoothly, and met the actors in the hotel and the movie.

Among the actors, the most well-known ones are undoubtedly Affil, who plays the gangster's son.

Alan, although this man's name is not eye-catching, when it comes to the son of the Ironborn adopted by the Wolf family in"Game of Thrones", I believe everyone except Theon, in the show, does not know him.

Willem Dafoe, who plays the protagonist's friend in"Spider-Man", is also very famous.

In his acting career, the Green Goblin in the first version of"Spider-Man" may be the movie in which Asians have a higher impression of him.

"Hello, Mr. Protagonist~" When they saw Zai Dao coming in, William and Allen both greeted Zai Dao immediately.

Their impression of Zai Dao was not very good to begin with, after all, they were asked to serve for an unknown person. It is undoubtedly an insult for a Chinese to play a supporting role, but as the saying goes, people with strong abilities will be respected wherever they go, and the acting skills in the acting videos left by Jae Tao on the set are nothing short of remarkable. There is no doubt that these unruly Hollywood actors have been conquered.

Someone asked how to make a good movie. Zaidao's answer is, a group of good actors, a good director, and a good screenwriter and script. There is no doubt that the movie"John Wick" brought together all three points, and now that they have met, they will begin a three-month collaboration together.

"Hello sir, I have watched your movies and TV series."As he said this, Zaidao turned to look at Allen, and then said with a smile:"You are undoubtedly a qualified Ironman."

"And you will be the most recognized night devil in my heart!"Zai Dao turned to William and described his opinion of him.

The harmonious atmosphere between the three made some other young actors breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if the leading actor is easy to talk to, then the difficulty of filming the movie will be greatly reduced.

William, who was praised by the media, also smiled and said:"Han, to be honest, your spoken English surprised me. There are few people in Hollywood with an accent as pure as yours."���people"

"Thank you for your compliment. Actually, my Chinese is better."Zai Dao made an interesting joke, and William and the others contacted Zai Dao.

"Okay, my great actors, let's discuss the plot."Seeing that everyone almost knew each other, David was the first to stand up and smooth things over.

At this time, Chad also sent the scripts to each actor. In the next few days, they will need to carefully review their lines. , try to be as perfect as possible.

In this case, when the filming officially starts, the film can be produced at a high speed like an assembly line, and it will be released by the end of the year.

The main person who plays the lines is Zaidao, after all, he is the starring role, and all the supporting roles. They basically collided with him, and for this, Zaidao had already memorized all his lines when he was in Seoul, and combined with the acting skills that he had become proficient in, he faced him. The actors in the play can feel the pressure from the protagonist"John Wick".

This took four days.

When four days passed, the crew of"John Wick" quietly started filming. During this period, they did not hold any opening ceremony. After all, the movie had just started shooting and it was not suitable for large-scale publicity.

In Zaidao's opinion, it was best to start the overwhelming publicity when the movie was about to wrap up, and then release it to win the box office.


Bang bang bang!!!

At night, when gunshots were heard in a villa, before the owner could solve all the problems, a guy in a police uniform rang the doorbell of the villa.

Ding dong ~

In the silent villa, when the doorbell of the villa rang, the master was stunned for a moment, then he pulled out the knife from the body under him, picked up a pistol and hid it behind his back, panting and walked towards the door.

The red and blue police car lights at the door kept flashing, and when the man was ready to open the door, a familiar white police officer was standing at the door and said relaxedly:"Good evening, John~"

"Good evening, Jimmy."When Han Zaidao's familiar face with beard and long hair appeared in a black suit, he politely answered the other person and then asked,"Has anyone complained about the noise?"

"Hum, noise……"As he said that, the police officer tilted his head and glanced at the four or five corpses lying on the floor in the room, and then asked after being stunned:"Are you back to your old business?"

"No, it's just tidying things up."Zai Dao responded casually, as if the twelve killers who just attacked him were just a group of children who had just learned to run.

Looking at Zai Dao's calm appearance, the police officer felt a little numb. After all, this guy is a well-known killer."Night Devil."

The police officer who didn't want to get into trouble nodded in realization and sighed:"Okay...it's okay...Good night, John."

"Good night, Jimmy!"After saying that, Zai Dao watched the police officer get into the car. After seeing him leave, he turned to look at the killer's body on the floor behind him.

"OK!"When the scene at the door was completed, David, who was serving as the assistant director, immediately ended the shooting, then stepped forward and said with a smile:"Damn it, Han! Tell me honestly, have you really been a killer?"

Recalling this shooting Zaidao actually held the important positions of action director, main director, screenwriter and lighting all by himself. David really wanted to make a curse word.

For no other reason than because the fighting skills and marksmanship that Zai Dao displayed during the filming of the movie were so terrifying.

Facing David's question, Zaidao shrugged helplessly, and then said with a smile:"I thought about it too, but unfortunately, it didn't happen."~"

"Oh my god, if I have a kid, you're going to open a fight gym, and then I'm going to let my kid learn from you."

David has a deep memory of Zai Dao's fighting skills, and even other actors are like this.

During the filming, even Allen, who played the gangster's son, once said:"If I really are this guy in the movie, then I will definitely He would be crazy to kill his dog"

"Haha, maybe I will actually be able to drive it in the future."Because the filming scene in Los Angeles was over, Zaidao took the towel handed by the assistant and wiped the makeup on his face, and then said:

"By the way, David, during the time when you are going to New York to set up, I have to go back to Seoul."

"No problem, you can go with peace of mind, but let me take the liberty to ask, how many days will you go? David said with a smile.

"It will take about three days. Don’t worry, it won’t affect the shooting. After all, I care about the money much more than you do when it comes to shooting."Zai Dao smiled and made a joke.

Because there is no salary for the leading actor, this movie with an investment of 21 million U.S. dollars still has more than 9 million U.S. dollars left until now, and although the following scenes will It's a lot, but Zai Dao is confident that he can deal with them within two months.

Nine million US dollars is more than enough. After the filming is over,

Zai Dao will drive himself. After returning to the hotel, I took a hot shower and told the crew to take care of my luggage when I left. Then I took a ride to the airport.

I have to say that Westerners prefer muscular men to pretty boys. , a man with deep features.

When Han Zaidao walked into the airport wearing a simple combination of jeans and black T, he could feel the admiring glances of white women on him from time to time.

In Europe and America, Asian men are indeed not as competitive. White people, but don’t get me wrong, there are outstanding people of every race. From Bruce Lee to Chung Long, these two men briefly conquered Hollywood’s aesthetics of Chinese men with their fists and their acting skills and faces. Men are still very popular with women. Otherwise, in the previous princess special where Wendy and the others came, Wendy would not have gotten too close to Zai Dao.

You must know that they are all artists with contract constraints, and Zai Dao can't do it. They are five actors who have just resumed their acting status. If there is a scandal, SM company will have to spend a lot of money to suppress it.

Thinking of this, Zai Dao also came to the VIP waiting room at the agreed time. When he entered the VIP waiting room, a familiar face suddenly came into view.

On the massage chair in the waiting room, he saw an Asian woman wearing a mask, hat and sunglasses, fully equipped. He got dressed up.

At first, Zaidao couldn't recognize the other person, but it seemed that it was too boring to wear a mask, and this was a VIP waiting room, and there weren't many people, so the man took off his mask, and only then did Zaidao recognize him. the other party


"kindness?"Hearing someone calling her, Xiujing, who was fully armed, raised her head, and then she saw a face that was familiar but unfamiliar.

"Are you... who are you?"

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