From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 473 The Secret of Martial Arts

Qiao Jia, a pure Chinese, also took some time to digest it...

"Oh, it's the history of history. The official with a cross on it is Zheng Chu!"

"Yes, yes, I am Zeng Xuli..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia laughed and said, "Then you and Aunt Zhao are indeed fellow villagers. She graduated from Fujian MLM University and is now a well-known entrepreneur in Sangha Town."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at a few Chinese people not far away who were obviously not workers. He looked at Zheng Chuli and said, "You don't look like you are here to work..."

Zheng Chuli said with a helpless look: "We are all here to win the trophy. They have friends in China and Africa. Fan Jing, the cock-stealer in Suo Tsk, is very good, so I organized a lot of products to come to Tsk." .

Occasionally, I have passed the dung in Malaysia, and I am fluent in English and French, so I was created together. It always seems like love when I fall in love with you as soon as Zi Dao comes! "

It took Qiao Jia a lot of effort to listen to the words of the Fujian fellow. He thought about it for a long time before he realized that what this guy was saying was that his parents had listened to Aunt Zhao's deception and thought the investment environment here was very good, so they brought a batch of goods here to try out. water.

After figuring it out, Qiao Jia had to admire Aunt Zhao's level of deception.

In China, it was just a matter of sending her back to China with the money she received from the MLM organization. Now she can fool the Fujian people who are famous for their shrewdness. This skill is definitely a Mahayana cultivation. The small pond in Central Africa cannot contain her at all. , sooner or later it will soar into the sky.

Giving a thumbs up to Aunt Zhao, Qiao Jia looked at Zheng Chuli and said with a smile: "I am also Chinese, but I have many things to do. You are here for business. If you have anything to do, you can go to Sangha Town. The government is asking for help and I guarantee they will treat you seriously.

Aunt Zhao used to be a pyramid schemer. As long as you don't want to do this in Afika, you should be able to make money by investing in a real business.

It's definitely not a day or two since you've been here. It's true that there's a lot of supplies here. As long as you can figure out the market, it's not difficult at all to make money. "

After hearing this, Zheng Chuli nodded with a wry smile, and suddenly said in English: "My uncle wants to move his family's textile factory here. This time he brought two containers of clothes to test the waters."

As he spoke, Zheng Chuli glanced at the heavily armed Dorian and Ayou, as well as a circle of militiamen with guns around them. He said helplessly: "It was fine the past two days, but this happened suddenly..."

When Qiao Jia heard that the other party was actually from the textile industry, he said happily: "This is a good thing. I can't guarantee that in other places, opening a textile factory and a clothing factory in Sangha Town will definitely make money.

The cotton spinning industry in Central Africa is also considered a pillar industry. If you can develop a one-stop service, among other things, you can make a fortune by making work clothes in the early stage.

If you are worried, I will introduce you to Lao Zhu from the Giant Infrastructure Company. There are many Chinese people in Sangha Town now, and it is time to establish an organization such as a chamber of commerce and fellow residents.

Talk to your compatriots and you will have a deeper understanding of this place.

Don't worry, our compatriots here are not the same as the bastards in places like Myanmar and Cambodia.

People who only dream of making quick money go there and try to make a fortune by cheating. This kind of humanity has been lost and it is a scourge everywhere.

We are different here. We are all compatriots who do practical things and will help each other when something happens. "

While Qiao Jia was speaking, a series of gunshots rang out from the river bank downstream...

Zheng Chuli looked back at his family, and said helplessly: "Before we came, we didn't expect that there would be a war here. We are supposed to have a consulate here, but no one reminded us when we came?"

This is not easy for Qiao Jia to accept. China’s investment in Central Africa is not large and is mainly based on trade. Most of its compatriots still live in the capital Bangui.

There has been unrest in China and Africa recently, so Qiao Jia doesn't know why the consulate didn't take it seriously.

He has a special status now, and there are some things that he cannot interfere with. Once he gets involved, he might be gone...

So when faced with Zheng Chuli's question, Qiao Jia smiled and said, "I think you seem to have been a soldier, and you are quite good at shooting. If you really don't feel confident, go to the gun shop in Sengha Town to register and buy one." Gun for self-defense.

Of course, don't use it indiscriminately, you will be sued if something goes wrong, and the judges here are generally quite rude. "

When Zheng Chuli heard this, he was surprised and said: "Can we also buy guns?"

Qiao Jia nodded and said with a smile: "As long as you have a job or permanent residence certificate, you can buy it with your passport.

The P·B series may not be considered an OEM product from Sevia, but the quality is absolutely reliable and available in various models.

Hey, where did you become a soldier? Do you have a favorite weapon? If you help Aunt Zhao this time, I'll give you a gun to play with. Don't be in a hurry about opening the factory. You can go hunting first and get used to the environment..."

After hearing this, Zheng Chuli hesitated and said, "I am a soldier outside the law..."

Forget about the gun, if you are unfamiliar with the place, you are more likely to get into trouble if you hold a gun. "

Qiao Jia knew as soon as he heard that this guy was an expert and he was very confident in his skills.

But this guy’s extra-legal background makes him a little embarrassed...

"Outlaw? Why do you want to be a soldier outside the law?"

It was certainly not the first time Zheng Chuli faced such a problem. He showed his arm, revealing the dragon tail tattoo on it, and then said helplessly: "When I was young, I was ignorant and thought that a dragon with a tattoo could become Chen Haonan. As a result, he was refused to join the army even though he wanted to be a soldier, so he finally went to join a fellow villager who was doing business in France. As a result, he got a lawsuit, and in the end he went to the outside world because of his brain."

As he spoke, Zheng Chuli clenched his fists, revealing the calluses on his fists, and said helplessly: "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, but I always get into fights.

Boys all want to be soldiers and have guns, and they want to fight when they have guns. But these things have come true after being outside the law. "

Qiao Jia could understand this idea after hearing this. "Just want to fight when you get a gun" is a normal reaction of many passionate young people.

But looking at Zheng Chuli, he was not particularly happy that his dream had come true.

Qiao Jia turned around and motioned for everyone to go back first. Seeing that Beerus and the others were very interested in Aunt Zhao's warehouse, he laughed and said, "Ask her to give you a discount tomorrow, and the road has been cleared." , are you still afraid that you won’t have anything to buy for you?”

After saying that, Qiao Jia didn't care about the local tribesmen. He took Zheng Chuli to the outskirts of the warehouse area. Looking at the extrajudicial team performing the blockade mission not far away, he said to Zheng Chuli: "You know Them?"

Zheng Chuli shook his head and said, "I don't know. They should be from the Second Foreign Infantry Regiment. After I passed the training, I joined the Second Foreign Parachute Regiment."

Qiao Jia nodded and asked curiously: "Why didn't you stay outside the law in the end?"

Zheng Chuli rubbed his nose and said awkwardly: "A buddy of my dad's was in Malaysia at the time. He said that the business was very big. My dad didn't want me to use a gun to make a living, so he asked me to quit the law and go to Malaysia. .

Unexpectedly, my dad’s friend was the eldest brother of the Youth Gang. I hung out there for a few years, but finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I returned to my hometown. "

As he spoke, Zheng Chuli looked back at his companions who were standing not far away, and said, "As a result, I couldn't live a stable life, and my uncle pulled me out again."

Qiao Jia gave a thumbs up in admiration and said, "You Fujian people still dare to do this.

If you are courageous and courageous enough, as long as you find the right path and environment, it will not be difficult for you to make a fortune. "

After saying that, Qiao Jia patted Zheng Chuli on the arm and said with a smile: "Come on, come back!

We are all compatriots. If you have anything to do, go directly to Sangha Town and find the person in charge. I guarantee that as long as you don't mess around here, no one will cause trouble for you. "

Zheng Chuli nodded after hearing this, then looked into Qiao Jia's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Hu, oh no, Brother Lang, do you really think this thing can happen with my uncle?

I've looked around and it's obvious that the steel industry is here. If what you say is true, I want to give those goods to Aunt Zhao, and then take my uncle and the others to Bangui to have a look.

After all, without raw materials, even if the factory is established, it will not grow..."

Qiao Jia knew Zheng Chuli’s concerns. He said it euphemistically. In fact, he wanted to dispose of the goods first to ensure that he would not lose money, and then go to Bangui to talk to the consulate. If nothing could be done, he could immediately buy a plane ticket and go home. .

Qiao Jia would not forcefully persuade them about this kind of thing. After all, we are not relatives, so being too enthusiastic might scare them.

Qiao Jia believed that the people at the consulate understood his situation. This official Zheng Chuli was equivalent to a sounding stone, and he could easily test out the tone of the consulate.

Once they decided to return to Sangha Town to invest after going to the consulate, Qiao Jia felt that he could call out in the prestige group that had not been used for a long time and encourage some bosses to invest and receive dividends.

With their help, the industrial chain subdivision project of Sangha Town can be launched soon, the development of Sangha Town will be accelerated, and his boss Qiao will be able to reap the industrial dividends two years earlier.

After chatting with Zheng Chuli for a few more times and even taking him to say hello to the outsiders, Qiao Jia let him go.

To say that these Fujian people can really endure hardship...

After traveling thousands of miles from China, I brought two containers of clothing from China to Congo, and then floated on the Congo River for a long time before arriving at Sangha Town.

In the end, in order to save money, they didn't even stay in a hotel, but lived with the goods. That's why when those bumpkin came around, they happened to bump into Zheng Chuli.

I don't know exactly how much he can beat Qiao Jia, but the calluses on his fists are very exaggerated, which speaks volumes.

Qiao Jia met a similar guy in his hometown, a 30-year-old martial arts coach from the same village.

When he was young, he caught a guy peeking into the women's restroom and punched him, breaking three of his ribs. In the end, he lost 60,000 yuan and had to squat for 15 days.

Later, in order to avoid getting into trouble, he ate and drank heavily all day long, just to put on weight to suppress his aggressive instinct. As a result, he ate from 170 kilograms to 230 kilograms. From a 195 cm tall and muscular young man, he became a man with a face full of flesh. The strong man was eventually called the most intimidating coach in the martial arts school by his students. He was not only very capable of fighting but also extremely resistant to being beaten.

Qiao Jia drank with this guy several times during the Chinese New Year and listened to many 'martial arts legends', one of which was calluses on his fists.

According to this 'master', regardless of whether he has practiced kung fu or not, if he can break out cocoons with his fists, it won't matter if he hits someone.

At that time, he also took advantage of the drunkenness to perform a brick splitting. It was not a skillful brick splitting, but he pressed the red brick against the wall and punched it to pieces.

Asked him how he practiced, this guy mysteriously gave the secret...

“Hold your breath, hold back the pain, and hit hard until calluses form.

However, if you do this, your arm will not be broken before the age of 30, and rheumatoid arthritis will automatically come to your door after the age of 40. Don't try it unless you are rich. "

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