From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 435 A far-sighted vision

Wallace watched with his own eyes as Choga walked into the hotel and calmly and solemnly expressed Central Africa's demands to those in the diamond company.

Then the big reporter saw a scene that made him a little sick...

All the people from the diamond companies protested in unison, and said they would go to court with China and Africa, and some even issued threats...

They are not afraid of PB at all, because they have the support of big companies behind them.

They have fought proxy wars in Central Africa for a diamond mine not once or twice.

With hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, you can raise a team to start a war here...

To a certain extent, Setaka was supported by them, so these people's eating habits would be very ugly.

Qiao Jia looked at the crazy dance of a group of people. He waved his hand and motioned for Dorian to stand up with a cold face. They went to block the door, and then motioned to Wallace to set up a camera...

"Gentlemen, you come from a world of democracy and freedom, why do I only feel that the blood of bandits is flowing on them?"

“Central Africa is the origin of the world’s top diamonds, and the diamonds flowing out from here every year will create hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for diamond companies like you.

But look at the place beneath your feet. Go and see the people in Central Africa and what kind of life do they live? "

As he spoke, Choga looked at an indignant French guy who kept inciting people around him. He smiled and said: "Sir, this is the land of Central Africa. If you want to mine on the land of Central Africa, don't you need permission from the Central African government?" ?

I won’t discuss the issue of ‘legality’ with you for now, after all Setaka is dead.

Is it too much to ask you to sign a supplementary mine transfer contract with the Central African government?

Isn’t it the right of the Central African government to require all diamond mines to be legal and compliant?

We will set up a miners' union to protect the miners' rights and interests from being infringed. Do you think there is a problem with this?

Gentlemen, you want to do nothing but take wealth away from here...

You support a warlord who kills indiscriminately just to get cheap minerals.

You ignore those who are still struggling to make ends meet just to make money for yourself.

You force them to work without giving them adequate wages. You treat them as slaves.

Gentlemen, these days are over!

If you cannot learn to share benefits, if you still ignore the needs of the Central African people, if you still want to be a hungry wolf that eats people without spitting out their bones...

Then I believe there will be truly responsible businessmen to invest. After all, diamonds will never have to be sold, especially high-end natural diamonds, am I right? "

From the moment Wallace raised the camera, the men were afraid to speak.

Their faces look ugly...

In fact, Qiao Jia's request was not excessive. Re-signing the mine transfer agreement and paying a sum of money to go out was not a big problem for them.

Even entrusting the safety of the mine to P·B is not a big problem.

But the union proposed by Qiao Jia hit their lungs.

If P·B takes control of the miners' union, all mines will fall into an extremely passive situation.

If you want to start work, you must pay enough wages and protect the rights and interests of workers. This kind of cost increase will be very outrageous.

Of course, there is definitely room for gaming here, but wasting time and energy on this is a very bizarre thing.

What made them feel the most uncomfortable was that almost everything Qiao Jia said stood on the moral high ground.

As long as they shake their heads and the footage is released by reporters, their company’s diamonds, which represent ‘eternity’, will be labeled ‘greedy’ and ‘bloody’. How can this business be done?

Qiao Jia looked at a group of silent diamond company representatives and nodded with satisfaction.

His approach is that he doesn’t want to talk nonsense to them. You are illegal, so I will put everything in the sun for the whole world to review.

Now is the time when P·B is at its peak. Who dares to argue with them on the moral high ground?

Among the people present were people from the famous Rockwell Diamond Company, Petra Diamond Company, Anglo-American Group, Lucara Diamond Company, and some speculative small miners.

These diamond mining companies are the diamond suppliers to the well-known luxury jewelers.

It doesn't matter if they don't agree to Qiao Jia's request. As long as Qiao Jia wants to mess with them, he can use the rising public opinion to cause heavy damage to their head office. Maybe the Pirate Fund can get greater benefits from this.

Ever since Qiao Jia discovered the 'Law of Influence' as a way to cut capital, he has had many more possibilities for his actions.

Anyway, he doesn’t lose anything!

This time P·B has really shown its power. All those battle videos will be released. If these mining companies want to go against P·B, they must consider the consequences.

Facts have proved that the proxy war model is somewhat unworkable in Central Africa!

It was still the French guy. He raised his hand and said: "Sir, we are just the company's business representatives. There are some things we have to report to the company. We can't make any decisions now."

Qiao Jia was not in a hurry, he said with a smile: "I understand that it is always difficult to do the right thing.

You can call your boss and the Central African government will give you a week.

In a week, the Central African government will hold a tender for the diamond mines around Nova City. If a decision is not made within a week, those diamond mines will appear at the tender.

In fact, the Central African President's opinion is to find one or two large companies to integrate all diamond mines. This will make management easier, create greater benefits, and avoid unnecessary waste of resources.

As early adopters of mining, Central Africa has given you a chance..."

Qiao Jia's words were like a bombshell dropped on the heads of these people.

As we all know, there is a "vein" in the mines. The reason why Nova City has gathered so many miners is because they themselves know that Setaka cannot last long, so they choose to carve up all the surrounding mines to speed up mining. .

Most of those mines are connected together!

Now that they gather together, they can still negotiate with the Central African government. Once the Central African government introduces one or two super giants, the situation will change.

Those giants will offer incredible prices to drive them out of several diamond mines that have proven reserves.

This P·B jackal is so ruthless!

This is to force them to make a quick decision and show enough sincerity to re-purchase those diamond mines, otherwise they will be kicked out.

This is the power of fairness!

When Qiao Jia does not want to gain profits from the diamond mine, his actions will naturally be blessed by 'law' and 'morality'.

It is a bit too much to say that gods can kill gods and Buddhas, but anyone or a company that needs some face cannot resist such methods.

And with this kind of blessing, it would be logical for him to gain control of the so-called 'Miners' Union'.

This is the real right!

Unlike Sangha Town, Qiao Jia is leading an industry there, and everyone needs to rely on him to live a good life.

On the Nova City side, Qiao Jia chose to seize the lifeline of the diamond industry.

As long as we control the people, we can control the situation, and we can make these arrogant and domineering diamond capitals restrain their greedy faces, and get everything back on track.

This is the real reason why Qiao Jia refused the diamond mine as a reward, because his status determines his approach. He owns a diamond mine, and he is easily criticized if he controls the union.

The Central African government's annual security commission fee of 5 million is only a small sum, but Choga has the right to set security standards around Nova City and ban all illegal armed forces. Those diamond mining companies must hire people from P·B Company to take charge of the mines. Field security.

In order to prevent the union from causing trouble to them, these people will not bargain with P·B.

The money keeps coming!

Once Nova City stabilizes and the diamond mining company operates honestly, the diamond trade will become a project that benefits Nova City.

A series of economic chains will bring huge changes here, and Qiao Jia can do the least things and enjoy the greatest dividends!

Seeing the people from the diamond company picking up the phone one after another, Wallace walked up to Qiao Jia with the camera, pointed the lens at those guys, then looked sideways at Qiao Jia, and said: "You have been prepared for a long time alright?"

Choga winked and whispered: "To be precise, the Central African government is ready.

Selling resources actually doesn't matter, but selling resources cannot bring income to the country or change the lives of local people. That is the government's dereliction of duty. "

Wallace didn't want to listen to clichés. He leaned close to Qiao Jia and whispered: "Can you tell me which giant you will introduce to compete with them?"

After hearing this, Qiaojia smiled and said: “Why can’t it be Central Africa itself?

It is not difficult to form a company. They have ready experience in diamond mining. However, in the past, most of the diamond mining rights in Central Africa were in the hands of warlords or tribes and diamond mining companies.

Now that the biggest warlord is gone, why can’t the Central African government do it on its own?

Setaka owns three diamond mines with large reserves, which, when integrated, will instantly lift a mining company. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Wallace with a strange expression and said with a smile: "Look, Central Africa is now the focus of the world's attention. I think it won't be difficult to convince some luxury goods companies to purchase clean diamonds."

As a social journalist, Wallace asked almost instinctively: "What are you going to do if there is a disagreement between the union and the company established by the government?"

Qiao Jia grinned and said: "Of course the union must protect the interests of workers. If disagreements arise, then strike and negotiate. What's the point?

These diamond mines can make a lot of money, but if that money cannot benefit most people, what is the difference between that money and non-existence? "

As Qiao Jia looked at Wallace's surprised eyes, he said seriously: "If P·B accepted the contract, then we must not only ensure the safety of the local people, but we must also ensure that their rights and interests are not infringed.

This is the foundation of all stability!

I believe everyone knows how important stability is to Nova City!

It would be too hypocritical for me to say that I don’t like money, but I can tell you solemnly that I prefer seeing smiling faces than money...

Because when everyone has a smile on their face, P·B must have made money, because what we sell is safety! "

Wallace looked at the magical young man in front of him. He took out his notebook and wrote a title on it with a pen.

'A contract, a promise - Nova City Diamond Storm'

Wallace didn't know how the future would develop and whether Joga would fulfill his obligations as he said, but he felt that he had to report everything he saw and heard.

Regardless of what others may say, at this moment P·B is fighting for the interests of the majority of people, and his opponents are a group of greedy mining companies!

Just as Wallace was writing the outline, Dorian suddenly ran to Qiao Jia in excitement and said: "Boss, let's go back, the dragon lizard has grabbed their tail..."

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