From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 429 Luck at a Discount

Arhan hid in the smoking bushes until night, and then they hurried on the road under the cover of darkness, heading south to try to find a way out.

It was not easy to walk in the wilderness at night, but these Chadian mercenaries all had iron feet. In 6 hours, they walked nearly 15 kilometers, avoiding the battlefield set up by P·B.

On the way, Arhan accidentally discovered several other teams, and they made the same choice as him.

Out of the idea of ​​staying together for warmth, Arhan tried to contact the stragglers, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were several local Central Africans among them, that is, those guys who were incited by Setaka and wanted to plunder their kind and change their own destiny. .

The locals were very familiar with the surrounding terrain, and relying on this familiarity, they escaped the rounds of shelling. Then they vaguely grasped the rules of the shelling and found the gaps covered by the artillery.

Arhan and these people formed a team of nearly 50 people.

Several of them have not given up completely. They feel that they are just unlucky. When others defeat P.B., they will be able to get out of trouble and continue their journey.

Listening to how many people they killed and how many things they grabbed to cheer themselves up along the way, Arhan always shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

Only those who have been on the battlefield know how terrifying this kind of organized and planned battle can be.

On a real battlefield, human life is sometimes as fragile as a small animal.

When Arhan discovered traces of human activity in the distance, he realized that he might have left the battlefield preset by P·B.

Excited, he urged everyone to continue on the road, wanting to bypass the faint light in the distance and go deep into the hinterland of Central Africa.

But just when everyone wanted to speed up, a slow-moving convoy suddenly appeared on the road a few hundred meters to the side.

Arhan quickly motioned for everyone to lie down and keep quiet, trying to use the cover of darkness to avoid the sight of the convoy.

But to his surprise, the team seemed to be able to 'see' them.

When several pickup trucks rushed down the road, pointed their headlights at their position, and started firing with heavy machine guns, Arhan knew that he had been discovered...

"Run, run quickly..."

A few black men could not resist the pressure. They stood up and ran in one direction, but they were quickly hit by machine gun bullets.

Arhan, who was still yelling to escape just now, led his men to crawl quickly on the gravel-filled wilderness, trying to get out of the range illuminated by those dazzling headlights.

There is no counterattack. Arhan just wants to escape from the immediate crisis and survive.

But a pickup truck seemed to be eyeing them, and the bullets fired from the truck mixed with tracer bullets kept passing over their heads.

Arhan's men were frightened. The moment one of them jumped up and tried to run faster, three precise bursts of bullets hit him in the chest, causing him to tremble a few times as if he had been electrocuted, and then fell softly. on the ground.

Arhan, who had no time to pay attention to other people, crawled desperately. Soon he felt something strange, because the enemy on the pickup truck did not approach him, but kept using the machine gun on the truck to urge him to continue crawling in a predetermined direction.

Turning his head and taking a look, he found that his colleagues who had previously vowed to go to Central Africa to make a fortune were kneeling on the ground in a gesture of surrender. Arhan smiled bitterly, then raised his hands piously and shouted: "Don't fight. No, I surrender..."

As the pickup truck slowly approached, Arhan raised his hand to block the dazzling light tube on the pickup truck and shouted loudly: "We surrender, don't kill us..."

When Arhan was yelling, two tall figures jumped out of the car and walked in front of him.

Under the light, the 'rhinoceros' with only half a nose looked particularly terrifying.

The hunter Man Luo next to 'Rhinoceros' seemed quite friendly, but whether he was frightened by 'Rhinoceros' or was trying to fight to the death, one of Arhan's men suddenly tried to touch the gun...

Just when the guy's hand was about to touch the handle of the gun, a hammer in Man Luo's hand flew over and hit him in the head.

There was a large nut on the simple wooden stick, but the moment it hit the unlucky man's forehead, his forehead was sunk in.

The 'rhinoceros' grinned a terrifying big mouth, pulled out a knife, walked over and cut off one ear one by one, and then said: "You are captured..."

Arhan covered his bleeding ears and took off his clothes in humiliation under the command of 'Rhinoceros'. He packed them up and put them in the bed of a pickup truck.

Their hands were then tied with strapping, and a thin rope strung everyone together onto the road.

While being pulled forward by the pickup truck, Arhan heard the complaints of a black man in the truck...

"We should let them walk a little longer. We just wasted a lot of bullets..."

Arhan didn't understand what the other party meant, but as they approached the inland village they had discovered before, Arhan finally understood what stupid thing he had done...

The locals who lead the way are familiar with their surroundings, but they instinctively move closer to the road.

The village that Arhan tried to avoid before has now been transformed into a prisoner of war camp.

The scary guy with half a nose just now should have discovered him long ago.

They had been following their group because they wanted to save some time and energy and let the people on their side walk to the prisoner of war camp by themselves.

After all, people always walk very fast when running for their lives!

When he reached a fork in the road, Arhan saw two groups of Central African National Defense Forces escorting a large number of prisoners approaching.

A stocky man wearing jungle camouflage stood on an open-top off-road vehicle, dragging two mercenaries with their hands tied behind the vehicle.

When he passed the National Defense Forces truck, the stocky man cursed at a group of Central African National Defense Forces...

"Can you guys be more professional? Why do we keep wiping your fucking asses?"

The officer of the Central African National Defense Force seemed to be used to being scolded. When the off-road vehicle passed by, he leaned out of the window and handed a pack of cigarettes to the stocky man. Then he nodded and bowed and said: "Boss 'horns', We have no choice, the prisoners are too scattered, we only have so many people...

Don't be angry, we will have someone come over later, tomorrow, I promise that things will not be delayed tomorrow. "

When the two teams met, 'Rhinoceros' suddenly reached out and snatched the cigarette from 'Oxhorn''s hand, and then said with a grin: "Why do you, this bastard, always talk so much nonsense?"

'Horn' recognized 'Rhino', a jungle veteran. When he participated in jungle training, he suffered a lot at the hands of this guy.

Hearing that ‘Rhinoceros’ had been transferred to Ndele as the boss, ‘Oxhorn’ regretted that he had no chance to get his place back, but now he is in trouble.

Seeing that the prisoners behind the 'Rhino' car had one of their ears cut off, 'Horn' raised his middle finger and said, "What are you doing here, you pervert?"

‘Rhinoceros’ grinned and said, “The boss thinks you wastes are too slow to do things, so he asked me to help.

I captured 187 prisoners today, what about you? "

Upon hearing this, 'Niujiao' waved his hand and said, "We, Team E, don't need prisoners, because we usually can't hear what they shout."

Speaking of 'horns', he said curiously: "Why do you want to capture prisoners? I don't think you are the kind of patient person."

‘Rhinoceros’ distributed the cigarettes to Manluo and several other hunters, and then said with a grin: “Ndele needs enough labor, and there is a fool prince there who has complained too many times about road construction.

I have to get him more people to build the road, otherwise I'm worried I'll kill him.

That guy is so disgusting that he dislikes everything! "

'Horn' was stunned for a moment, and realized that the guy 'Rhinoceros' was talking about was probably the boss's friend, Prince Said.

That rich man does have a bad image in the eyes of the soldiers at the bottom, but you can't stand someone who has money...

Now even the cruel ‘rhinoceros’ has bowed to money, which shows how much money the rich prince spent in Ndele!

Looking at the series of prisoners, 'Niujiao' hesitated and said: "These people are mercenaries. Is it really appropriate to let them build roads? If they are not managed well, problems will easily arise."

'Rhinoceros' listened and sneered and said: "It's easy to make them obedient!

Make one mistake and it will cost them something!

According to my experience, even the most difficult people rarely make more than three mistakes. "

'Horn' looked at the murderous 'rhinoceros', and he swallowed subconsciously...

E has a lot of perversions, but compared to these jungle veterans, those guys with psychological problems in Team E are simply good babies.

Glancing sympathetically at the prisoners who still didn't know their fate, 'Niujiao' shook his head and said: "Those who can survive until now are the lucky ones. It's a pity that they have offended the wrong person. Now even their 'lucky' will be discounted." ”

As he said, 'horns' looked at 'rhinoceros' and said, "We will go to Nova City tomorrow, then this place will be left to your hunters. Do you have any problem?"

'Rhinoceros' patted Manluo on the shoulder, then looked at 'Horns' and said: "I'll go with you. I once talked with Setaka. I said that as long as he goes against us, I will kill him with my own hands." Take out your heart.

I want to do what I say! "


Qiao Jia sat on the chair in the command room, dealing with President Francois without any support.

The orderly northern battlefield can no longer attract Qiao Jia's attention. He has been staring at the southern jungle since his return...

The unmanned airship has been monitoring the river in the Congolese jungle for a whole day, but no suspicious boats have been found, and there is no more news from the 'Father'.

Qiao Jia knew that he was a little too impatient sometimes, but he just couldn't control the desire to fight in his heart.

If someone issues a provocation, Qiao Jia will immediately want to fight back!

But if the opponent doesn't show up, Qiao Jia doesn't have much to do.

Hearing Francois cough for the third time, Joga sighed and looked at the president and said, "Brother, just say what you have to say!"

Francois listened, pondered for a while and said: "Jackal, when are you going to take over Nova City?

I might need to do a little preparation! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said curiously: "What do you want to do?"

Francois straightened his collar and said seriously: "Jackal, the city of Nova is the diamond trading center in Central Africa. I need to talk to those diamond merchants as soon as possible after Nova is occupied.

In the past, Nova City's self-indulgence caused Central Africa to lose a large amount of diamond trade tax revenue. It cannot continue like this in the future. "

As he spoke, Francois looked at Qiao Jia with a strange expression. He smiled and said: "Jackal, I can entrust the task of collecting taxes to P.B. Are you willing to take it?"

Gioga rolled his eyes and said: "Of course you, the president, should do this kind of offending job. I only want Vito, the security manager of Nova City!"

Francois smiled and said: "You know I have no money, so what do you want? A diamond mine?"

When Qiao Jia heard this, he said angrily: "You have a good idea, I don't want the mine anymore, I want cash, 5 million US dollars in cash a year.

Then you must promise to invest half of the diamond tax revenue into the construction around Sangha Town.

The progress there is too slow, I want to see my iron ore can be sold for money as soon as possible!

I want to sell the Tongzi Building I planned as soon as possible. That is the business that will make me a fortune! ! "

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