"I'll see, in front of me is the kingdom of Pokebi, and in a few days walk is the city of Odrangru. "

Xiao Yao held the map, and he was not sure where the vicinity was.

Gu Yuxuan didn't know what to say when he heard Xiao Yao's uncertain tone.

"Let me do it, I know a lot about maps. "

But after Gu Yuxuan picked up the map, Gu Yuxuan suddenly found that he couldn't read the map himself.

In this world, there are many people who can't read maps, and the rest basically look at maps in order to travel.

It's like the world where Gu Yuxuan is, everything is a navigation, and navigating to the destination is in the secret realm, and navigation can also be used.

It's really not that easy for him to understand the map in this world now.

Gu Yuxuan looked at it for a long time and finally made a decision.

"Sirona, look at the map, where is the next road. "

Sirona: "......"

She thought that Gu Yuxuan could understand the map, but she didn't expect Gu Yuxuan to not understand anything.

I watched it with relish before.

Gadelia and Xiao Yao are also speechless, and if they can't read the map, don't pretend to look at the map.

"Let me take a look, the front is really the Pokebi Kingdom, and it is said that there are a lot of Pokebi. "

Sirona quickly understood the map.

Gu Yuxuan remembered that there was indeed a Pokeby Kingdom and a Pokeby Paradise.

Xiaoxia's Pokébi, who eventually evolved into Pokkigu and stayed in this kingdom.

Pokébi is a very strong Pokémon, or a fairy attribute, which can suppress the dragon attribute and has a high race value.

In a Pokéby Paradise, there must be many excellent Pokéby, maybe there is the potential of the king.

Even if he doesn't need a Pokeby, Xiao Yao really needs a Pokebi to improve his strength.

She only has five Pokémon now, and how long will it take to wait until his father sends one Pokémon.

"Let's go to Pokeby Land, there's Pokeby, you can pick one up. "

"Pokébi? It's a very powerful Pokémon, and I have a Pokémon. "

Sirona is well aware of Pokébi's strength.

If the potential is high, Xiao Yao cultivates it well, and it is indeed a very powerful Pokémon.

Participating in this Caiyou conference shows that you can get good results.

"Okay, let's go to the Pokebi Kingdom now. "

Xiao Yao naturally will not refuse.

Both champions think so, and where else is there for her to refuse.

And Pokeby is cute, and she actually wants to get one.

It didn't take long for Gu Yuxuan to come to the Pokebi Kingdom.

After arriving here, Gu Yuxuan first learned about the situation in the Pokeby Kingdom.

Xiaoxia has already been here, the ministers of the kingdom have been defeated, and the new girl has succeeded in becoming king.

However, all this has to do with Gu Yuxuan, and his main purpose is to win Pokebi.

"Where's Pokeby, where are we going to find Pokeby?"

Xiao Yao turned his head to look around, this country is so big, who knows where the Kingdom of Pokebi is.

"Come with me, my superpowers have been felt. "

Gu Yuxuan had already sensed where Pokéby Paradise was.

I have to admire Pokéby Park, actually in a small independent space.

If it weren't for the fact that he had superpowers at the level of divine beasts, he really wouldn't have felt this small space.

Xiao Yao wanted to say something, and Gu Yuxuan used teleportation to take Sirona and a few people to an independent small space.

"This is where it is. "

Sirona was curious, Gadelia didn't say a word, she wasn't very curious about this kind of thing.

"This is Pokeby Park. "

Gu Yuxuan had already seen Pokeby, in the forest not far away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many Pokebi discovered Gu Yuxuan.

Because of the fear brought by the king before, the Pokebi were very afraid of humans and flew far away.

A pokkigu flew out.

This is the only evolved type, Kasumi's Pokémon, who had to stay in order to protect Pokébi.

After Pokkigu flew over, he saw Gu Yuxuan and Xirona for the first time, and recognized the identities of the two people.

After all, he followed Xiaoxia before, and both sides had mixed in the Chengdu area, so he knew Gu Yuxuan's identity very well, as well as Gu Yuxuan's strength.

So I know that Gu Yuxuan is a good person.

"Pokkigu, we've met, you should remember me, right?"

Pokkigu flew to Gu Yuxuan's side, and he could feel the kindness on Gu Yuxuan's body.

"Do you know this Pokkigu? "

Shirona touched her cheek.

How she didn't know Pokquigu.

"You forgot, Xiaoxia's Pokebi should have evolved into Pokquigu by now. "

Gu Yuxuan mentioned it, and Sirona immediately remembered Xiaoxia.

A girl who travels with Ash.。

Pokkigu thought of Xiaoxia, and he still missed it very much.

But in order to protect Pokqueby Park, she can only stay.

By the way, Pokquigu, this friend of mine likes Pokeby very much, can you choose a Pokeby here to travel. "

Gu Yuxuan said the purpose and pointed at Xiao Yao again.

Pokkigu floated to Xiao Yao's side, sensing that Xiao Yao had no malice on him, so he nodded.

And he believes that Gu Yuxuan, since he is the person chosen by Gu Yuxuan, he is by no means a bad person, and the most important thing is that he has no qualifications to refuse.

Gu Yuxuan's Pokémon can even be beaten by divine beasts, and the three of Xiao Zhi together, they still can't help Gu Yuxuan.

It's better to let Gu Yuxuan choose a Pokémon.

Pokkigu called out to Gu Yuxuan and let Gu Yuxuan choose for himself.

Gu Yuxuan glanced at it, although Pokebi's race value was very high, it was not so easy to find a high potential.

At least none of these Pokby have a championship potential.

If there is really a championship potential, maybe Gu Yuxuan wants one himself.

For the rest of the Pokebi, Gu Yuxuan quickly found one, and it was also the only one with the potential of the Heavenly King.

No, it should be the potential of the two Heavenly Kings, and Xiaoxia's Pokkigu is the potential of the Heavenly King.

But he couldn't take Pokquigu away, so he had to choose Pokeby.

Fortunately, Pokebi cultivated well, and it won't take long for him to evolve, and he should be able to participate in this conference.

"Xiao Yao, you can choose which Pokeby, this Pokebi is the strongest and has the highest potential. "

Gu Yuxuan pointed to Pokebi under the tree.

"See, Pokquigu, can I choose this Pokeby. "

Xiao Yao didn't doubt Gu Yuxuan, so he chose the Pokebi altar approved by Gu Yuxuan.

Pokkigu flew in front of Pokébi, and after some exchange between the two Pokémon, Pokébi quickly agreed.

He can go out on a trip with Haruka.

But only if you defeat him first.

(Hong Kong film: The strongest policeman, starting from saving He Min).

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