Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 171 Hand Rubbing Tornado

The gradually transformed Muyunzhe No. 1 will never know that Chengying is just bored, and by the way, try to see if the little science in the weather forecast in the previous life is right.

Facts have proved that the lethality of the lightning storm is actually limited. The main reason is that it cannot be aimed. It can only be slashed by the lightning. Lie on the ground or dig a hole in the ground. Basically, nothing will happen, but it is enough to scare people. .

After all, it's good luck if you don't get it, but if you get it, with the voltage of lightning, no matter how high your cultivation is, you have to feel the caress of a sheep and a beast.

"Hey! No. 1! Do you know how to do this? Will it rain or something?" Cheng Ying turned to ask the sad-faced Shepherd No. 1.

"No... no, the elders told us not to rub the clouds casually, it will hurt, and the atmospheric creatures grazing in the clouds will die suddenly.

As for the rain, as long as a lot of clouds are crowded together, it will rain, but that will reduce the volume of the clouds, and no cloud shepherd will do this. "

"Oh! I see, it's not that you haven't discovered the charge transfer caused by the friction of clouds, but your way of life prevents you from trying this kind of thing."

Chengying nodded, she understood, just like people know that burning fertile land will cause a fire that kills wild animals, but even if people know this, no one will study how to make the fire burn more vigorously, maybe someone will be able to study it in the future Fertile fields comparable to nuclear explosions can be produced after ignition, but realistic conditions determine that such an invention cannot appear.

"Since the lightning storm doesn't work, let's change it!" Cheng Ying pondered for a while, and turned all the clouds under his control into a mechanical hand, grabbing all the surrounding clouds [actually generated by the flow of clouds blown by the wind]

Not long after, a large cloud of overcast clouds appeared in the sky. Although these clouds were not controlled by Chengying, they accumulated so much that they reached the standard of rainfall, and the rainfall of that kind of torrential rain completely reached the level of strong rain. The standard for convective weather.

"You... what are you doing?" No. 1 had an ominous premonition again. The creature in front of him can always play new tricks, who knows what he will create again.

"Manufacture a heavy rainstorm, and then do a little trick to the clouds in the rainstorm." Cheng Ying's smile was weird, with the feeling of a mad scientist.

The heavy rain is pouring down, but fortunately this is no man's land, and no one cares about the problem of heavy rain.

"If the temperature in the air is not uniform in strong convective weather, it may lead to the birth of cyclones in the clouds, and when these cyclones, or fusion, or hedging, and finally the size of the remaining cyclone reaches a critical value, the entire cloud layer will be destroyed. It will revolve around the cyclone like a funnel.

When the bottom of the funnel is close to the ground, because of the sudden drop in air pressure, the funnel-shaped cyclone will be transformed into a cylindrical shape, which is what we often hear...

tornado! "

As Chengying said, he threw fireballs and ice picks into the clouds as if he didn't want money, artificially creating the temperature difference needed for convection.

As the interior of the cloud is heated unevenly, the airflow begins to flow, forming small cyclones, which merge and merge, or offset each other, and eventually always form a larger cyclone.

Cheng Ying controls the part of the cloud under his control,

Guiding the cyclones to merge with each other and become bigger is not difficult, and it doesn't require much calculation. It's probably like playing with water in a basin when you were a child.

As the cyclone continues to merge and reaches a critical value, even if Chengying is not used to guide it, the subsequent airflow will be integrated into it, making it even bigger.

Next, Chengying only needs to continue throwing fireballs and ice cones to maintain the temperature difference in the air, and the cyclone will become bigger and bigger, just like overturning the dominoes, it is out of control.

No. 1 stared dumbfounded at the funnel-shaped clouds, and then saw the funnel gradually elongate, touching the ground, and finally turned into one of the most terrifying natural disasters, a tornado!

In theory, it is possible to create a typhoon, as long as there are enough clouds, but Chengying does not have so much meteorological research. With so many clouds, who knows where the typhoon will go.

A tornado with a diameter of more than 200 meters on the surface sweeps away everything on the ground, and anything that is one meter above the ground will be uprooted. This is already a natural disaster in the true sense. Even if Chengying wants him to stop now, he has already done it Not anymore.

Number one: "..."

Looking at those plants and gravels that have been rolled up into the sky, those crushed pieces, No. 1's brain has lost the ability to think, obviously there was not much soul power fluctuation just now, it was obviously just fireballs and ice cones , why did such a horrible thing come up all of a sudden?

Cheng Ying doesn't care what he thinks, he is now on top of a tornado, and although the wind speed is very strong, it is not enough to blow the eagle under his feet. Now that the tornado has been created, the next step is to control it.

It's not easy, but it's not impossible. It's still fireballs and ice cones. The pressure of cold air is high, and the pressure of hot air is low. Tornadoes will naturally move in the direction of low pressure.

Chengying pushed the tornado all the way... towards the territory of the closest lord to his territory. That guy's territory is not big, only tens of square kilometers, in the southeast of the Tulip Dukedom.

Anyway, tornadoes are meant to be thrown out. Instead of leaving them in your own territory and causing losses, you might as well throw them to the neighbors. Even if they are discovered, so what, if you have the ability, you can also create a tornado!

I saw Chengxiang rushing towards the southeast at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, driving a tornado like she was driving a sheep...  ...   Dardanelle got up from the velvet bed of the lord's mansion and looked He looked at the watch imported from the Tulip Dukedom on his wrist, not to check the time, but to let people know that he was a lord inadvertently. On a boring day, I opened the list of his servants, randomly pointed out one of the top ten maids, and ordered the housekeeper to dismiss her. Her expression at that time, from bewilderment to suspicion, to surprise, to begging, and finally to hysteria, was very funny . She left and started a new life. When I saw her again, she had become a milkman in the castle, and her body was much stronger. Maybe she would never know in her life that her life was controlled by Da Dardanelle rewrote it so casually, thinking of this, Dardanelle is full and gratified. Dardanelle couldn't help sighing: "The happiness of a lord is often so plain and boring."   Dardaniel walked to the window and looked at his small garden of 8,000 square meters and the tornado in the garden, no? In order to see the scenery, but...    "It's Nima! Why is there a tornado in the garden! Help..."   Please collect, please recommend~

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