Arcane Lord

Chapter 443 The Secret of Projection and Elemental Summoning

The situation of the fish-man tribe introduced by Aibo aroused Sha Duo's strong interest. Until now, he has not seen any intelligent life that can cast spells except humans and elves!

Although they are just some uncivilized murlocs, their possession of bloodline spells is enough to show that they are extraordinary.

"What's the strength of those fishmen?" Xia Duo asked, pointing to the big island above his head. He seemed to find it a little inconvenient to speak like this. He adjusted his body direction again so that his body was parallel to the ground of the big island.

There is no obvious direction of gravity in the blue crystal plane. If you ignore the water body, it can almost be regarded as weightless space. Now that Xia Duo has adjusted his posture, the big island seems to be an extremely huge wall standing in front of him.

Ai Bok also adjusted his posture along with Sha Duo, facing the big island, and gave his answer, "The strength of the fishmen themselves is roughly the same as that of humans, and they are extremely flexible in the water. However, even if their bloodline spells are included, they are not a threat. To you and me.”

Xia Duo nodded. He had no doubt about the survivability of the high-level mage, but when facing an unknown magical race, caution was necessary.

Moreover, up to now, it was Aiboke who said that he also wanted to see the situation on the island with his own eyes. If it was on the main plane, if it was on land, he would either go invisible in person, or use a detection spell. Remote viewing is possible.

But in the blue crystal plane, invisibility is directly eliminated. Invisibility is only visually invisible, but the human body will not disappear. The disturbance of the water body after the invisibility will still exist. This cannot be hidden from a race like the fishmen who are born to deal with water. .

As for detection, Shado is not yet an arcanist, so he needs to adjust his normal detection spells to versions adapted to the blue crystal plane, which takes time.

Of course, you can also use your bloodline ability to turn into water and go directly there, but with a big living person like Ai Burke here, there is no need for Xia Duo to do it himself!

"Aibo, please cast a detection spell. I want to see what's going on on the island."


Aibo was quite happy. Since it was in the water, there was no need for additional imaging instruments. It could be directly projected into the water. Soon Xia Duo saw the scene on the island——

At first, there were large tracts of seaweed, kelp and other plants, with fish, crabs, shells and other small creatures in the middle. When the perspective was zoomed out, it became even greener, like a forest on the main plane.

Xia Duo could directly see with the naked eye that there were two main "forests" on the island, distributed at both ends of the long island, with some blank areas in the middle.

The first thing that Xia Duo saw moving around was this area, and through the projection of the detection spell, Xia Duo clearly saw that there were a large number of murlocs fighting here.

It’s really a fish-man with fish lips, fish eyes, and arms and legs!

At the beginning of Xia Duo's time travel, when he was still at the Old Neil Hotel, he often heard people talking about someone killing a fish-man, but he had never seen such a creature.

It's not that I doubt the existence of murlocs. I've even seen elves, goblins, and trolls, so there's nothing to doubt. It's just that there are really no murlocs around Savile Territory.

Now that I’ve seen it, it’s quite novel.

These murlocs who are fighting are mainly composed of two parties. They should be the two hostile tribes that Aibo mentioned before. One of them has green skin, a dark back and a light belly, while the other party is silver. The skin becomes darker as it goes down, eventually turning into silvery blue.

Although the appearance and color of these two types of murlocs are different, their body structures are roughly the same. They are both smooth on the surface, but scales gradually develop as they go down.

Even if you ignore their color, they can easily be mistaken for one species.

Of course, this may just be Xia Duo's view as a human. Perhaps in the eyes of fish-men, humans, elves, and even orcs are the same species!

The fight between these murlocs is nothing. It's just primitive people fighting. They don't even have regular weapons. The better ones are sharp blades ground with shells. The worst ones can't be touched at all. The edged stone went into battle.

What interests Xia Duo is the large elemental creatures mixed among the murlocs. They fight each other and occasionally release spells to restrain the hostile murlocs, making it easier for their summoners to attack. At the same time, they do not forget to purify the beings. The water body polluted by fish-man blood and stirred up sediment.

It is precisely because of this purification characteristic that Xia Duo distinguishes them from the environmental water bodies. Of course, it is also this characteristic that prevents this relatively large-scale fight from making the environment more turbid.

Seeing this characteristic, Sha Duo recalled the [Pure Water Ball] he once summoned. The fist-sized water element also had the property of purifying water, and it looked very distinct in the Wolfburg River.

Thinking of the tiny water element he had summoned, and then looking at the obviously huge water element summoned by the murloc in the projection, Xia Duo became a little jealous.

If you raise a team of water elements in the river between Savile Town and Linshui Village, they may be able to act as fully automatic free crew members.

However, the essence of elemental creatures does not belong to the material world after all. If you want to summon them, the caster must maintain their existence, unless you can obtain the essence of elemental creatures and bring them back to the main plane, and then they will be a long-term labor force.

"These fishmen may have a solution!" Xia Duo was delighted.

To say that these murlocs relied entirely on their own bloodline abilities to summon large elemental creatures and could sustain long-term battles, Xia Duo was unwilling to believe it.

Doesn't this mean that his bloodline is too useless? Moreover, there is another problem. Even with the bloodline ability, it is not necessarily possible to summon elemental creatures from the elemental plane.

It also requires the response of the elemental creatures. Their essence is in the elemental plane, and the caster cannot threaten them. How can they be made to be obedient and projected into the material world!

When the arcanist of [Hidden Hand] was building the elemental passage before, he had summoned the earth element to help. He wanted to learn it at that time, but was rejected.

Now, these fishmen have probably mastered the method of communicating with the water element, reaching an agreement, and even summoning its essence into the material world to maintain long-term drive. How could Shado not be tempted!

Just by seeing this place, Xia Duo knew that the blue crystal plane had great potential, and this trip was well worth it!

The projection continued, and the perspective traveled several times from the battlefield where the two murlocs were fighting, but none of the nearly 100 murlocs present could notice it. Even if the screen sometimes almost passed by the murlocs' bodies, no one found anything wrong. All immersed in the emotion of killing.

Eberk did not stay at this battlefield for long. The projection perspective turned in one direction, passing over the "forest" on the island and flying towards a section of the island.

Soon, Xia Duo saw the murloc settlement hidden behind the seaweed and kelp. Unlike human settlements, murloc settlements tended to be concentrated, but were still relatively scattered.

It seems that there is no relatively centralized ruling rule here.

Similar to how humans grow crops, these fishmen also grow "crops". In addition to the plants almost all over the island, there are also fish schools, shell fields, and crab nests.

What surprised Xia Duo was that even if there were no restrictions such as blocking nets, the fish stocked by the fishmen would stay in the restricted area obediently and rarely escape.

It's a bit like raising birds in completely unrestricted airspace and having no idea how they do it.

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